Part 7

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Few Days Later

A few days had passed and now they'd reached New Year's Eve; it being bittersweet really was while they were all ready to leave the previous year behind and welcome a new year together, they were a bit sad that they were only staying out here for a further four days before returning home to England where real life would start once again as Sophia would go back to nursery and Cheryl and Liam would go back to their jobs. The two of them had to admit that even though they both loved their jobs, they would miss being able to spend all this time together properly and enjoy the sunshine and warm weather. Still, they all knew that there was so many more holidays to come as it was clear that Liam wasn't going anywhere – and Cheryl certainly wouldn't let him go anywhere either.

As the temperature began heating up outside due to the sun shining so brightly, Liam stood in the kitchen making the three of them some smoothies that they could have on the balcony together whilst relaxing. As he finished making the smoothies, he couldn't help but sneakily steal a few glances at Cheryl and Sophia whom were chilling out together on the balcony; Sophia sitting on one lounger playing on her iPad while Cheryl was sat on the other; both of them laughing and giggling away together about something. Liam couldn't help but smile at them, absolutely loving the mother side of Cheryl as it was such a heartwarming thing to see. While he did find her feisty, lawyer side to be pretty hot too, there was nothing that melted his heart more than to see how adorable she was with Sophia, how calm and chilled out she was.

And he just couldn't wait for the day that she'd have his children...

Liam sighed out in a love struck manner as he poured the smoothies into glasses, before he then managed to carry them all outside without breaking anything. He handed over the glasses to Cheryl and Sophia, before then joining Cheryl on her lounger – allowing her to lean back against him.

"This is yummy in my tummy, Liam." Sophia burst out, smiling over at him. Liam chuckled, nodding his head at her.

"Well thanks kiddo; I'm glad you like it." He replied. He then looked down at Cheryl who had completely snuggled against him with a besotted smile on her face; her smile causing his heart to melt as he kissed her forehead.

"What's up with you?" he asked.

"Nothing, I just love you," she giggled as she kissed his cheek, "I love you so much, Liam."

"I love you too," Liam chuckled a bit, "You're being too loving; it's freaking me out. Soph, what's wrong with your mum?"

"Auntie Nicola said she was a soppy sod." Sophia casually replied with a shrug of the shoulders; her funny comment sending Liam and Cheryl off laughing hysterically while Sophia managed to keep a straight face as she continued playing on her iPad.

"Stop repeating what Nicola says to you; she's such a bad influence." Cheryl giggled as she looked over at her; her own funny comment teasing a giggle to escape Sophia's lips as the little girl poked her tongue out at them.

"It's true," she shrugged, "No, but really Liam, my Mammy just loves you lots and lots that's all."

"I love her lots and lots too," Liam smirked at Cheryl before looking over at Sophia, "And I love you lots too, Soph."

Sophia smiled over at them before going back to playing a game on her iPad, while Cheryl simply snuggled into Liam some more, feeling so safe in his strong arms – it being a long time since she'd felt this content with a man. In fact, she had to admit that she hadn't really been this happy since her first husband, Ashley, all those years ago. She figured that life genuinely couldn't get any better than this, and she just couldn't wait to see what the New Year would bring for her, Sophia, and Liam...

Cheryl x Liam: Could It Be You? [Book #2 of Inevitable Series]Where stories live. Discover now