Part 26

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"That's all I know, I swear."

An hour and a half later and Cheryl had finally rounded off her phone call to JB, now having about two pages – both back and front covered – worth of notes regarding Ashley's involvement with the Smith family. She had to admit, hearing these things had been a bit of a shock to her, as she hadn't expected Ashley to have be such a connection to the family, especially when he'd been there in be beginning when she'd first started out working for the same firm as Joe Smith - Ashley having witnessed the beginning of a competitive rivalry between his wife and the powerful lawyer. Now, everything was starting to make sense about this latest turn of events and Cheryl was more than ready to play the game that they were trying to play.

"So, I mean if I remember correctly, Ashley and Joe were friends even though you and Joe were rivals? Was Ashley involved with Sophia in someway?" Garry asked as he and Cheryl sat in the kitchen late in the night; Joan and Sophia having gone to the bed so the two siblings were sat in the kitchen, having some pie that Cheryl's mother had made..

"Yeah, but then when me and Ashley divorced, they weren't as close anymore but Ashley does whatever favors Joe asks so the police won't get involved due to Ashley and Sophia and their - whatever," Cheryl rolled her eyes, "Sophia is a pawn in this I think; I think Joe is holding things over her head to."

"We need to talk to her." Garry pointed out.

"We do, but how?" Cheryl wondered, raising an eyebrow.

And when Garry gave her a knowing look, she knew what he was thinking.

"No - I'm not calling Kimberley; she's overstepped every single line and I'm not doing it." Cheryl outright refused, shaking her head and pouting her lips together. Garry sighed, rolling his eyes.

"I know she's overstepped her boundaries and has been out of order but what other options do we have right now? That's the only way we can get into contact with Sophia and see what's going on? We can help Sophia but you need to talk to Kimberley." Garry replied with a straight face, looking her dead in the eye so she knew he was serious.

"Goddammit," Cheryl groaned, "Okay, luckily we have tomorrow to do these things as the case with Joe doesn't start until the day after, so I'll have a word with her and also, I need to have a word with Liam, if he'll talk to me."

"I know Liam will talk to you, Chez; he just needed to cool off and such but things will be alright." Garry reassured her. Cheryl nodded slightly, a sigh escaping her lips as she popped the last bit of the pie slice into her mouth.

"I'll give him a couple days, I want to talk to Sophia first and see if she'll tell me anything." She replied. Garry nodded his head before pulling out his phone; Cheryl watching him before giving him a confused look as he slid his phone over.

"Well well look what Derek sent me from the security footage of that place that's across from the office block; does that person look familiar or nah? I think we know who vandalized our building." He smirked; Cheryl now looking at the phone too before smirking as well.

"And I think I know where he is so tomorrow, me and you will go pay him a visit." She replied before bumping fists with her brother, it being clear that no matter what, the two siblings had each other's backs first and foremost – forever.


The next morning was proving to be busy from the jump, as as soon as Cheryl dropped Sophia off at nursery and made it to work, she and Garry were immediately back out together – Garry now driving them into a rather rough part of London where Cheryl had a hunch she'd find what she was looking for. She pointed to a sort of rundown looking two story home once they turned the street; Garry parking up before the two of them got out. They could see some of the neighbors looking at them and whispering, especially as they looked so out of place due to Garry being dressed in grey trousers and a crisp blue shirt with a grey blazer and shiny black shoes, while Cheryl wore a short sleeved black dress with a thin gold belt around the middle with a black leather jacket and her black thigh high boots.

Cheryl x Liam: Could It Be You? [Book #2 of Inevitable Series]Where stories live. Discover now