Part 17

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"Babe, are you feeling okay?"

Cheryl and Liam had been back at the house now for a couple of hours following the doctor's appointment to see their baby. Liam had been looking over the scan pictures and smiling to himself, hardly able to wrap his head around the fact that he was actually becoming a dad which was something that he wanted more than anything in the world due to being such a family person. Cheryl, on the other hand, had just been absentmindedly staring at the TV – hardly speaking and not even giving the scan pictures a good look at as she couldn't bring herself to do it.

"Babe, remember – the doctor said to just talk to me about whatever is in your head?" Liam pointed out after Cheryl failed to respond. She sighed and looked over at him, giving him an irritated look as she raised her eyebrow at him.

"I don't want to talk at this moment, Liam; so please." She told him before looking back at the TV again. Liam frowned slightly but remained quiet, knowing he needed to respect her wishes to avoid pushing he away further. He simply pulled out his phone, giving a confused look when he saw that he had quite a few messages from a group chat that had been made with him and the lads.

<<Harry: Oi boys; who fancies a night in at mine with some pizzas and beer and wings and potato skins? The whole lot while watching the boxing tonight?>>

<<Niall: As if you made this whilst sitting across from me and Louis -_->>

<<Harry: Well I had to include Liam and Zayn in and they're clearly not here so a chat was the best way to go lol answer the question!>>

<<Louis: Lads night sounds good; I don't have to get Freddie until tomorrow afternoon so tonight is fine.>>

<<Niall: When are we going to Vegas to recreate the Hangover with Freddie?>>

<<Harry: Lmao good shout Niall!>>

<<Zayn: I'm down for a lads night too fellas; I get off work at 6 so I'll be free tonight. Lmao Niall what the hell mate?>>

<<Louis: We're not taking my little lad to Vegas – that's never happening lol>>

<<Niall: It's not exactly a bad idea!>>

<<Zayn: It isn't a bad idea at all Louis; recreate the hangover, get a drug dealing monkey and all sorts lmao>>

<<Louis: You lot are terrible lol where's Liam today anyway? Oi Payno; are you in or out of the lads night tonight?>>

<<Zayn: He's with the woman that should've been Mrs. Malik lol>>

<<Niall: I thought he was dating Cheryl Cole, not Gigi lololol>>

<<Zayn: Fuck off Niall -_->>

<<Louis: LOL! Now that was a good one Niall lol>>

<<Harry: Lmao you lot are terrible lol>>

Liam chuckled softly to himself as he caught up on all of the messages, scrolling through and catching up on the rest, which were random crude jokes, random memes, and then a few more asking where he was and such. He glanced over at Cheryl whilst biting his lip, not wanting to really leave her when she was like this, although he knew that she'd probably tell him to go out. As much as he missed his friends, there was no way he'd leave her like this, leading him to quickly respond to the group to at least thank them for the invite.

Cheryl x Liam: Could It Be You? [Book #2 of Inevitable Series]Where stories live. Discover now