Part 22

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Few Weeks Later

A few weeks had passed since Valentine's Day; it was now the beginning of March. The winter temperatures were still unfortunately plaguing England, but the cloudy days were starting to be few and far between and the sunshine was showing that spring was well and truly on its way. After the snow storm that had plagued them those weeks ago, Cheryl was back hard at work working on the case and building it up as best as possible, having done all she could do and having called on all the people she could to testify against Joe Smith and his entire team; Cheryl having gotten word recently that Joe was representing himself which left her knowing that this case would be tough. Still, she had a lot of confidence that things would go her way as she was one that refused to be defeated.

Even though work was stressful, home for Cheryl was the best it could ever be. Since the promise ring Liam had given her, Cheryl had begun to see Liam in a different light. She did know that in a way, she wasn't really ready to take the leap and be engaged yet again and start wedding planning and all that, but she definitely knew she wanted to be with Liam forever. They were having a baby together for one, but besides that, she knew that she just loved him unconditionally, like crazy almost. She loved him more than she'd ever loved Ashley, more than she'd loved JB – literally more than anyone. Liam was her whole world and all she wanted was for him, her, Sophia, and their new baby to be a family.

"Cheryl, can I talk to you?"

Cheryl looked up from some papers she was sorting through for the case that was starting in a couple days time. Kimberley was standing in the doorway of her office with a smile on her face, leading Cheryl to smile slightly before standing up. Seeing as the case was drawing closer and closer, Cheryl had been distancing herself from Kimberley for a bit as it was truly a bit unnerving almost that Kimberley was actually representing Sophia. Cheryl was definitely having a hard time that in a couple days time, she'd be up against her best friend in court for the first part of these trials, it seeming that they would be focusing on Sophia's part first and then moving on to her father and his squad.

"Yeah Kim?" she asked as she came around to sit at the conference table; Kimberley having closed the door before joining her at the table.

"Look, I just wanted to chat a bit," Kimberley sighed, "I don't want things to be awkward between us or anything."

"Why would they be awkward?" Cheryl asked, breathing out as she stroked her hand over her baby bump that was growing bigger and bigger each day; Cheryl now approaching about five months as the adorable bump was showing through the pale blue t-shirt she was wearing under a black blazer with her black maternity trousers and black heels.

"Cheryl you've been avoiding me like the plague for three days," Kimberley replied with a raised eyebrow, "Have I done something wrong lately or is this about the case?"

"Kim honestly, what do you think? You're defending a person involved with kidnapping my child so-" Cheryl was saying before Kimberley cut her off.

"But she did help you get Sophia back; it's obvious that she was under her father's control." Kimberley interrupted; Cheryl frowning at the fact that Kimberley was justifying things, but not wanting to argue as Kimberley was six and a half months pregnant herself and things were stressful enough without them arguing.

"I understand your job is to defend her, but this is my fucking child, Kimberley; my child who woke me up screaming in her sleep from nightmares for three months, my child who I basically lived in hell over for days when I didn't know where she was or if she was okay," she replied, "What the hell would you do if it was Bobby in this situation?"

Cheryl x Liam: Could It Be You? [Book #2 of Inevitable Series]Where stories live. Discover now