Part 32 - Epilogue

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Two Months Later

A couple months had passed and life seemed to calm down considerably for Cheryl, Liam, and all of their friends and family. Everything seemed to be looking up in jobs, relationships, and family lives, and best of all, everything that was hindering them from moving forward – i.e. Joe Smith and his two goons – were imprisoned for their actions for the next few decades, which meant that they could no longer harm anyone on the outside. Cheryl had helped Sophia Smith and her mother keep their home and had also made sure Sophia's son was safe with his adopted family and that their home was safe as well.

Best of all, Cheryl and Liam were more loved up than ever. Cheryl had reached seven months and the two had recently discovered that they were having a son, which was great as Cheryl had always said she'd wanted one of each anyway. Sophia was extremely excited about being a big sister and was already taking her older sibling duties seriously by reading to the baby if Liam was away for work with his father and the construction company or by simply just helping Cheryl around the house to make sure she wasn't doing too much that could harm her or the baby.

Word about Cheryl's victories also began spreading throughout the law community and the general population as well, leading to loads of people calling the lawyer to ask for help or people just calling to say how well she was doing and how proud they were. Even people from home in Newcastle were calling her and congratulating her on the success of her law firm, everyone always being proud that little Cheryl from the council estate had worked her way up and was now one of the most successful, credible lawyers in the entire country.

"Right – good afternoon everybody; lovely to see you all!"

Today, both Cheryl and Garry had been unexpectedly called for a meeting with the board of extremely credible and powerful lawyers that their certification for law was under. The two siblings had been extremely concerned when the meeting had been called and had been wracking their brains and bouncing ideas off each other throughout the morning to figure out why this meeting was even being called. They knew they hadn't done anything out of order lately, so they were a bit concerned as to what really was going on.

"It's lovely to see you both as well, Attorney Cole and Attorney Tweedy," A middle aged woman named Julie spoke as she shook their hands, "Thank you for meeting with us today."

"It's our pleasure," Cheryl sat down once she'd shook everyone's hands followed by Garry, "Forgive us for being a bit late; I was on the phone with the doctor scheduling my next ultrasound and he had to wait for me." She smiled as she stroked her hand over her large baby bump, smiling to herself as her son automatically seemed to kick as if he knew she was referencing him.

"Ah; do you know what you're having?" Another man, Michael, asked. Cheryl nodded, smiling happily.

"A little boy; I'm excited." Her dimples glowed as she spoke, the happiness radiating off of her like rays of the sun.

"Well we wish you nothing but the best in the rest of your pregnancy; as lawyers we stress a lot so please don't allow yourself to become consumed by the pressures of this job and harm yourself and your baby." One of the other female board members, Ana, spoke.

"I tell her this all the time; don't get too stressed - she's a stubborn mare anyway." Garry joked as they all laughed whilst Cheryl nodded her head.

"He does tell me to chill out to be fair, so I'll try not to be too stressed," she giggled a bit before continuing, "Right; is everything alright?"

"Oh yes; everything is fine – we just have some things to discuss with you two," Another man, John, spoke before continuing, "As you know, both of you have done exceptionally well in law over the past year – even over the past years since we certified you both in law. Each year, you continue to grow in clients, revenue, even evaluations from former clients get better and better."

Cheryl x Liam: Could It Be You? [Book #2 of Inevitable Series]Where stories live. Discover now