Part 27

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"I only remember parts now, but I was only sixteen when it happened."


"Ashley, what does this mean?"

She had called him to come over while her parents were out to show him what she couldn't dare say over the phone – a positive pregnancy test. This was bad, really bad. He was married, she was only sixteen and could barely take care of herself.

Her father was especially going to flip his lid.

"Shit, oh shit." Was all he could respond with before he stood up and began pacing back and forth in front of her, her eyes filling up as she swallowed and stood up.

"I don't want to get rid of it, though." She continued.

And now he stopped and was looking at her with wide eyes. She looked back at him, swallowing as she tried to read his expression.

"You're joking right? You want to keep the baby?" he burst out. She nodded her head, sitting back down as she realized he was hardly enthusiastic about this.

"I just thought-" She began before he cut her off.

"I don't care what the fuck you've thought; you're going to get rid of it. Do you know what this will do to my career or to my life if word gets out that I've got some sixteen your old girl pregnant? I'll pay for you to get rid of it; you aren't keeping it!" he replied.

"So I'm just 'some sixteen year old girl' now? What happened to all of the shit you told me about how you were leaving your wife and we would build a life together once I was eighteen? I was never just some sixteen year old girl when you wanted a fuck now was I? I'm not fucking getting rid of the baby; I want to keep it!" she shouted at him, tears now pouring from her eyes as she just couldn't believe this was happening.

"You were really stupid if you thought I was going to leave my wife for you," he rolled his eyes, "You're getting rid of it, Sophia."

"And I'll tell your wife, Ashley." She snapped back at him.

"You don't even know my wife!"

"I know she's just started working for Jameson Law six months ago because my dad says she's a tough lawyer; Cheryl Cole – yeah, I fucking know her."

And now Ashley frowned even more, grabbing Sophia and pushing her down onto her bed.

"Keep your fucking mouth shut; don't you dare say a fucking word," He frowned at her, "Keep the fucking kid but don't expect me to help you."

"Who is gonna help me then?! This is just as much your responsibility as it is mine!" she screamed at him.

"I don't know but it won't be me; figure it out on your own but count me the fuck out." He replied. He then turned to walk out, only to stop when she grabbed his arm again.

"But Ashley I love you, I don't want you to go – I know you love me too." She pleased with him. She then stood on her toes, pressing her lips to his which made him melt straight away, leading him to sit down on her bed as she straddled his waist.

Cheryl x Liam: Could It Be You? [Book #2 of Inevitable Series]Where stories live. Discover now