Chapter 3

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I'm in the driveway walking up to the house, when Derek pulls up. "Hey!" "Hi." "Meet me inside." I nod back at him. I run inside while he pulls into the garage. "Hi Harrison" I give him a hug. "How was your day?" "I'll tell you all about it during tea later tonight, ok?" He nods softly "ok."

"Maddie?!" Derek shouts once he gets through the garage door. "Ya?!" "Meet me in the living room!" "Ok!" I grab a cookie off the counter on my way into the next room. I sit down on the biggest chair I've ever seen as Derek sits on the coach. "So, how was your girls day?" "Um," every possible thing is running through my head right at this very moment. Should I tell him the truth? Should I lie? Has he already talked to Emily about today? I decided to ask "has Emily talked to you about it?" "No I haven't talked to her yet." He responds "oh, why don't you ask her how it went? I'm a little busy at the moment so, I'll see you tonight." I get up slowly from the chair. "Oh, ok. I'll see you later tonight." I smile "Ok."

"Harrison, I'm ready for tea whenever you are. I could really would like to talk to someone." I lean on the island in the kitchen. "Ok, Maddie. Let me get the cup and I'll meet you by the pool." I smile "I'll get the mugs for you." He smiles back at me "Thank you."

"So, tell me everything." He sits up so prim and proper. "Ok, well you were there didn't Emily look so thrilled to hangout with me?" He laughs "So chipper!" "Well, once Derek left I told her that if she doesn't want to hangout with me, she doesn't have to. That's when she basically didn't give me another look got in her car and drove off. Almost killing me on her way out!" Harrison's mouth drops open. "She almost killed you?! I need to talk to her, or Derek." He starts to get up. "No, no, no, Harrison. No need I'm fine." I take his arm sitting him down again. "It's still not right Maddie." "I know. Forgive and forget am I right?" I let out a little laugh jokingly. He doesn't find it so funny. "Anyway, I then went into town by myself, met up with a friend. That was the only good part of today so far, well Also seeing you but, not the point." A smile broke out on his face. "Then I get home and Derek wants to talk about this girls day that didn't happen. I didn't want to lie so I told him to ask Emily how it went." Harrison starts to look confused. "Why wouldn't you just tell him the truth?" Then a light bulb went off in my head. "Because, I want to see if Emily tells him the truth or not, see how strong the relationship is." Harrison smiles "Good idea."

It's about ten o'clock and I'm in my nook again looking out the window. "Hey?" Derek cracks the door open. "Hi" I smile. "I brought coco" He holds up the tray. I start to laugh as I pick one. "Did you talk to Emily yet?" "Um, ya." He looks at the ground. Great, I thought to myself. She told him the truth and now I'll be living on the streets because he doesn't like how I didn't put in any effort. "She told me that you guys went to the movies and saw, Now You See Me. I wanted to see that!" He nudges me and a little smile peeps on to my face but, it doesn't long. "What's wrong?" He try's to look into my eyes. "Nothing, its just....." "Ya?"  "What all did Emily tell you?" He chugs the rest of his coco. "She said you guys went out got your nails done, saw the movie, did a little shopping, why?" I look out the window again. "It's all a lie." "Huh?" "Once you drove away I could tell that she didn't actually want to hangout so I told her she didn't have to." "oookkk" he sounds unsure. "She took my awfure drove away and I haven't seen her since." He looks disappointed "ok thanks for telling me. I guess there's only one person in this house I can trust." He nudges me as he gets up and leaves. "Goodnight!"  I shout before he shuts the door. All I get is a smile back. I can tell he's hurt because of me. I don't think this was a good idea moving in here anymore. I have to leave in the morning.

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