Chapter 8

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Derek and I are now on our way home and not a word is said in the car. The only noise is the radio which Derek turns off. "Are you mad at me or something?" I finally break the silence and I'm starting to regret it. "Mad? At you? No." I feel the relief flow through my body. "I'm disappointed in myself because I didn't do the right thing. It's so unlike me." "Aw, Derek" I put my hand on his shoulder. "I was so excited to make you happy I totally forgot to play by the rules." I start to laugh "'Derek, your now I bad boy and I like bad boy's!" "Oh you do" he sharply turns hi head towards me and raises an eyebrow. I couldn't help but to keep on laughing but, it's ok because he starting laughing too.   

We pull into the driveway and know one moves. "Thanks again Derek, today was fun....and I already became a couch!" He smiles with a little snicker. "You're cute." I look to the ground quickly "Well, better go get some dinner!" I jump out of the car before something happens.

"Harrison!" I drop my bag at the front door and run to give him a hug. "How was it today?" He hands me a tea. "It was-" then we here a thump coming from the front hall which cut me off. I get up off my seat I see Derek come into the kitchen with my bag. "This should NOT be right in front of the door without a warning!" Harrison and I both burst out laughing. "Now" Derek drops the bag "if you don't mind I'm going to go take a shower." I walk back over to Harrison still laughing. "Anyway back to our conversation." He clears his throat. "How was it?" "It was good, a lot of hard work but good." "That's good." "Ya I'm a couch!" "Wow! Already?" "Ya, there was this big thing that went down between Len and us and ya, now I'm a couch." "What happened with Len?" "Oh, it's a long story that I don't feel like explaining." "Oh, ok." "Well, Harrison if you don't mind I'm gonna go take a shower and get into some pj's" "Certainly!" I get up kiss him on the fore head and put my cup on the tray.     

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