Chapter 18

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We're walking through Hollenbeck Park just talking about random stuff and how Derek likes Natasha and the gang. "So," I decided to bring up the scariest topic ever. "Why did you want to go on a walk with me?" "Oh, I just wanted to talk..." He looks to the ground. "Oh, I'm sorry if that made you uncomfortable." I look to the ground to. "I also wanted to do this." He kisses me and it was magical. More magical then any other kiss I've ever had. It felt like fireworks were going off around us. "I really like you." Derek looks me in the eyes. "I really like you to." He kisses me again and this time instead of fireworks fountains turned on. Literally all the fountains that were around us turned on. "Do you want to head back home?" He lifts an eyebrow in a flirty kind of way. "Yes...." I bite my lip as I start to blush.

"Drive faster!" I yell at him. "I wish I could!" We both start to laugh. Then his phone stated to ring but he has a fancy car it rings through his car. "Hello?" He answers and I turn down the music that we were playing. "Hi, it's Natasha." Derek and I look at each other like why is she calling? "Oh...hey. Is there a problem?" Derek starts to slow down. "Um, yeah actually." "What is it?!" Derek starts to worry a bit, I could tell in his voice tone. "You need to come to the hospital." "Why!?!?" Derek pulls a U-Turn and heads back to the hospital. "Harrison is here." "We're coming!" Derek looks at me and I bet he could tell that my heart just sunk into my chest. I felt like I was going to cry.

"We got here as soon as we could!" Derek rushes through the hospital doors and aimes right towards Natasha. "Where is he?" He pushes past her and starts to look around. "Derek calm down, you freaking out isn't gonna help anything." I stop him from looking around the room and our eyes meet. "Yours right" he says calmly. "He's over in this room." Natasha starts to walk over to a hall filled with curtains.

She pulls one open. "Here he is" she whispered. "He's sleeping" she glances back to Derek to see how he's doing. "Great," I said. "Since he's sleeping this gives you a chance to tell us what the hell happened." "Ok...." She sat down and so did we across from her. "You guys left for the studio," Derek and I glance at each other and we both a blank faces. We both were probably thinking 'why did we go out?' "So we drove him home like we said we would. We must have been home," she continues "for about an hour. I wanted some tea so I used that PA system thing you showed me." She gestures to Derek. "But, he never answered. So I got up and went down to the kitchen to make it myself. On my way down to the kitchen I found him outside his bedroom, sitting up beside his door with my tea on a tray he was carrying." My eyes widen "what??" "Yeah, I know" says Natasha. "I asked him if he could hear me he tried to say yes but he couldn't so he just nodded. I told him that I would call 911 and I rushed over to the phone. Once we got here I called you guys." "His cant be happening!" Derek holds his head in his hands. "Derek...." I tear rolls down my cheek and I put my Hanson his back.

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