Chapter 17

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We're at the restaurant that Harry picked and it's supposedly where him and Natasha fell in love. It's called The Palm, it's a very good and expansive steak house. But, hey who cares Harry will be pay for his family and he's a gazillion are. Derek will pay for his meal again, gazillion are. Then there's me, going to buy a $50 salad. "What are you getting Maddie?" Darcy leans over to look at my menu. "Probably a salad." "Cheap!" Harry mutters under his breath. I just shoot him a dirty look. "Here," Derek starts "get what you want I'll pay for your meal, and Harrison's as well." "Thanks!" I smile contently and look back down at my menu. "I'm getting this!" Darcy points to a vegan steak. "Yum....." I tried to make it sound like it sounded really good but, I don't think I sounded convincing. "I think I'll get the steak with fresh strawberry's on the side." "Yum!" Derek looks over my shoulder and onto my menu. "I think I'll get that to." I smile.    

Our food comes and we start eating everything goes silent and Harrison makes that one comment that your one friend always makes. "Food must be good, no one is talking." Then there's those friends that awkwardly laugh at that joke, Natasha, Harry, Derek, and Darcy. Mya didn't know what was so funny so I just told her not to worry about it. "Dessert?" Our waiter asks as he takes our dinner plates away. "I'm good..." I say. "Same" Everyone else say except for Mya you could just barely here her say "I want dessert." "Ok the bill it is." He walks away. "Hey.." Derek whispers in my ear "how about you and I sneak out of here after the bill for a walk?" "Sure" I whisper back.

"What the heck did you order Harrison?!" Derek's eyes go as big as they could possibly go? "Your meal alone is $150." He lets out a little laugh. "He recommended it!" He points to our waiter. "No shit he recommended it, it's the most expensive item on the fricken menu!" "Well I'm sorry....but it was pretty good." He lets out another little smile. "Your to funny Harrison!" I pat him on the back. "Lets go!" Derek nudges his head toward the door. "Wait! What's our excuse?" "Follow my lead." I nod. "OMG!" Derek stands up at the table while looking at his phone screen. "Maddie, I just got a text saying they need us at the studio." "Really? Wonder why." I catch on to what his plan is. "Ya, we should go. Are you guys ok if we leave?" "Yeah!" Natasha uses her hands to tell us to get going. "We'll even drive Harrison home." "Thank you!" I shout back at her as Derek pulls me out the door.  

"Want ice cream before we walk?" He asks as he starts the car. "Sure." "What kind?" He pulls up to a Drive-Thu. "Cookie Dough please." "One small Cookie Dough and one small Pineapple Coconut." Then the robotic voice pops up. "That will be $4.57 at the next window." "Thank you." Derek says quickly before he pulls up. "Thank you." The lady says as he hands her the money. "One Cookie Dough" She hands mine to him and he hand it to me. "And one Pineapple Coconut." "Thank you." Then he pulls away quickly. "I pull away quickly because after I say thank you I don't want to hear them say your welcome." I start to laugh. "Ok then, good to know." He starts to laugh to. "Just a fun fact about me." 

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