Chapter 15

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"Harrison is everything  ready?" Derek asks as sweat pours down his face. "Yes sir, everything is in order. Are you ok though?" Harrison hands him a towel. "Yeah, I fine. Just a little nervous." "I'll say!" I pat him on the shoulder as I walk into the kitchen. "Ew!" I wipe the sweat off my hand with my leg. "Don't you two make the cutest matching couple I've ever seen!" Harrison comments on our outfits. "No!" I point at Harrison. "We're not a couple and No! We're not that couple either!" "Ok!" Harrison puts his hands up and turns away.

The doorbell rings "Shit!" Derek starts to freak out. "I look like a sweating cow!" I start to laugh. "It's ok, dab yourself with the towel and shape up!" I hit his butt and jog to the door. "Hey!" I open it to see Natasha's face. "Hey!" We hug each other as she walks in. Next comes in Harry I give him a hug. Then the two kids, I give them high fives. "This place is awesome!" Natasha explains. "I can't wait for the band to take a little break so we can get a place like this instead of the very expensive apartment we're in." I laugh but Harry didn't find it as funny as I did. "Where's Derek?" She asks. "Right here!" He walks out of the kitchen with no towel and no sweat. "Hi!" He shakes hands with everyone. "Names?" Derek asks. "I'm Natasha." "Harry." He hols up his hand. "Big fan!" Derek winks at him. "I figured who you two were. I was talking about these two cuties!" "I'm Mya!" Mya is six about to turn seven. She has her mother's tan skin but her fathers curly brown hair. "Nice to meet you girlfriend! Blow it up!" Derek fist bumps her. "And you?" "I'm Darcy...." Darcy is a teen. What can I say? She's rude to everyone but her cool aunt Maddie! "Nice to meet you." Derek says as she pushes past him. "Derek?" Mya politely try's to get his attention. "Yes?" He turns to her. "I hear there's a pool. Can I go swimming?" "Sure lovely! Let's go get our suits on! Everyone!" He turns to look at all of us then brings everyone up to there room.    

Later we all meet down at the pool. "Mya!" I run over to her pick her up and spin her around. "Aunt Maddie! Your to funny!" She giggles. I start to laugh only because her laugh is just so darn cute! "I loooove your swimsuit!" I put her down. "Thanks! I picked it out! I love the color yellow." Her swimsuit was a yellow bikini with red poka dots on it. "Do you know that there's a song about your swinsuit?" "Really!?!? Cool!" She than run over to her mum that was sitting on a beach chair trying to get a tan and told her about the song. 

"Aunt Maddie?" I turn around to see Darcy. "Oh, hey Darc! Nice swimsuit!" she was wearing a dark purple one piece that had ruffles around her neck. "Thanks I like yours to." I'm wear a lime green and grey bikini. "Thanks, is there something you want to talk about?" I could tell by the look in her eye that there was. "Um, well I was just wondering if this is your life now?" "Well, for now yes......why?" I saw her face just drop even more than it already was. "Are you dating Derek?" She looks only with her eyes to him cleaning the pool. "Oh, no!" "I just thought since you were living with him...." I laugh "it's fine Darc." "So you'll go back to your old life soon?" Her face lights up a bit. "Well, I don't know about soon......" I didn't want to hurt her feelings, even though I don't think anyone should be living the life I lived. "Oh," She starts again. "I just wanted to be exactly like you when I grew up. Living on your own, doing what you wanted....." I gave her a hug. "You saw it as that when really I wouldn't want anyone living like that. Barley making rent so you would have a place to live, working not even part time, trying to do  what you love but, you don't even have enough money to do that." Darcy's face dropped again. "I never thought of it like that." I smile, "It's cool! Now you know that's not what you want. Your parents are trying to do what will help you out in the long run, even if you hate it now."  "Thanks Aunt Maddie" She gives me a great big hug. "Welcome, so this means you won't drop out of school like I did?" She pushes me away. "How do you know I was going to do that?!" "Your mother and I are best friends that tell each other everything!" Darcy laughs "Oh, yeah I forgot!" I give her another hug. "Now lets go swimming!" I nudge my head towards the pool.

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