Chapter 7

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It's only been another three hours since the whole Emily thing and we're finally half way done! "Ok guy's that's time! We need to go Len comes!" Derek shouts to everyone in the room. I go to pick up my stuff which is right beside Derek's stuff. "Why do we have to leave before Len comes?" I ask Derek once he comes over. "Because it's after hours so as a punishment he'll make everyone dance and he'll pick the coach's right then and there for this season." "And if we don't get caught?" He looks up at me from his bag and smiles "we get a nice lunch." "Hurry up people! Two minutes." "Hi Derek! Your counting is a little off!" Len walks into the room. Everyone starts fake laughing because, they know what there in for. I on the other hand just sit and stare at the coolest person ever. "Since your here after hours you know what your in for!" Len walks over to the stereo. "Get in partners! We'll be doing the samba!" Derek runs for me and almost pushes me down to the ground but at the same time Emily tried doing that to Derek her face was priceless. She ended up dancing with Val. "After your samba, I want to see your opening dance!" Len shouts just before he presses play.

I can feel him staring at me and Derek. Watching every step, sway, shoulder moment, eye contact, when we adjusted our hands because they were getting sweaty. "STOP!" Len then shouted "Who might you be?" He pointed his figure at me and the moved it in the gesture of 'come here'. "Who are you?" He put his arm around me. "Um, I'm a dancer." "Are you one of the stars come on this season?" "Star? No, I  wish. I'm a dancer you know maybe I could couch one season but, for right now I'm just like a half time dancer." "And who hired you? I never saw you addition." It's making sense now that's why Derek wanted to leave early so Len wouldn't see me. Len doesn't know I'm working here! That's why he rushed to be my partner hoping that Len wouldn't see us. "Are you going to answer hun?" Len grips my arm a bit tighter. I look up at Derek to see what he wants me to say. He's looking at the ground though and I can't make eye contact. "Um, Derek hired me......" Derek looks up guilty. "I see........" Len lets go of me and starts walking towards Derek. "Wait! He only did this because, he knew how much I love to dance and how I didn't have a job so he offered this job to me. And trust me, I knew that he didn't consult any of you with offering it to me then I wouldn't have token the job." "I see...." Len starts to walk back over to me again. "Would you like to addition?" "Um, ya!" "Ok, grab a partner and lets see every dance that we us on the show."

Derek and I start off with the Tango, then move into the Mambo, next came Samba, after that was Rumba, we very gracefully move into the waltz, last but not least the quick step. I think we did amazingly we did all of those without stopping once. I'm so proud of myself and Derek. "Ok, Derek how do you think she did?" Len stops are music. "Anywhere between a 8 and 10." "Are you two dating?" Len asks him "Ah, just friends." Derek started to blush, it was very faint though because his cheeks were already somewhat red. "So, um, I don't actually know your name."  "Maddie!" Everyone shouts and it makes me feel really good. "Oh, ok Maddie, how would you rate  that performance?" "Um anywhere from a 7 to 9." "Ok well, I would have gave it a 9." I hug Derek quickly. "Normally anywhere from a 8 to 10 your in." Everyone in the room starts cheering. "BUT!" Len yells over them "We already have enough couch's so, I'm so sorry. You would be in if we were either short, someone quits, someone gets fired, exedra." Len turns around right away an starts to head out of the room. "Quick out Emily!" Mark shouts. "What?!?!" She sharply turns to Mark. "Ya! Get ride of Emily!" Peta shouts again. "Guys?!?!" Emily looks around the room. Then everyone starts chanting "GET RID OF EMILY!" again and again and again. Even Derek gets into it.

"Fine!" Len breaks "Emily you're fired!" Emily grabs her stuff and runs out of the room crying. "Maddie, you're hired, under one condition." "What?" "You have to be a couch this season." "Deal!" I shake Lens hand and everyone starts to cheer. "Everyone else will get a lunch with me to figure out if they're couching or not. Have a goodnight!" He bows his head and leaves.

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