Chapter 29

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"KEVIN!" I shout as he walks into the room. "MADDIE!" He runs over and hugs me. "What's new?" He lets go of me. "Nothing, just going to fond a new house with Derek!" I jump up and down. "Cool! Nothing is new on my life, thanks for asking." I hit his arm lightly "ha, ha. I was going to ask I just didn't get to it yet!" "I know" he laughs. "Sooooo, what's our dance style this week?" "Contemporary....." I cross my arms and lean on the wall. "Oh, we go" he jokes.

We rehears until I can't feel my core or legs, I don't even want to know how much Kevin's body is aching. "There's so many lifts!" He showers himself with his water bottle. "I know, I know" I say out of breath. "But it will look amazing on stage." "How much longer is rehearsal?" He walks hunched over to the middle of the room. "Tell ya what, we'll run it once more then we'll be done for the day." "Sounds amazing!"

"Am I interrupting?" I peek my head into Derek's and Jennifer's rehearsal. "We're actually packing up now...." Jennifer walks over to her bag and Derek gives her a puzzled look. "What?" He says "yeah, we're done. You're not interrupting anything." "Oh ok." I walk into the room. "Well, I guess we're done" Derek shrugs. "Want to look at houses?" "Sure! I'll go grab my stuff from the other room." "You guys!" She says all sweet "You guys are to cute! Get married and have little dancing baby's." I start to laugh at her remark uncomfortably. "I'm kidding!" She says "you wouldn't want to have children and ruin that amazing body of yours." "Thanks" I say looking down at my body, then I leave the room feeling uncomfortable and confused.

"What dance do you guys have this week?" Derek asks as we're driving to see this 5 bedroom house, which is two bedrooms smaller than what Derek has now. "Um, we have Contemporary, you?" "We have Tango....." "Oh" I say in surprise. "And?" "And? What?" "Is it any good?" "Oh, well it's getting there." I laugh "Kevin left rehearsal in pain." "Dance shouldn't hurt!" I laugh even harder "They aren't trained professionals. We have lifts so he had to learn how to lift me... He used muscles today that he didn't even knew he had." He starts to laugh to "Good point."     

We arrive back home after looking at the first house and Derek flops on the couch. "What did you think?" He asks "it was cute." "Cute?" He questions me. "Well, it's smaller than what we have, which is fine because we don't need this big of a house but I feel like everything was crowded together." He nods his  head " I agree, so we'll keep looking until we find the perfect house that we both love." "Ok"  I smile and plop down on the couch beside him. "I love you" he looks at me. "I love you too" I kiss him.  

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