Chappter 25

433 4 1

"Great rehearsal today Kevin, I can't wait to see you preform on Monday." I say as I pick up my water bottle and bag before I head out of the studio. "Thanks Maddie. You seem to be doing really well with the whole Harrison thing. Doesn't seem to through you off your game at all." "Oh, well thanks, I guess. It's hard but, I can't let you down. I feel bad for not getting to rehearse with you tomorrow because of the funeral." "Hey, it's cool, I completely understand. I feel bad that you have to go to a funeral." "Circle of life....." I open the door for him. "Thanks" he smiles and I smile back at him.

I start to lock up my studio when Derek walks past me. I feel the tension between us. I haven't talked/seen him since the night at the hospital. I've been  staying with Natasha and Harry. "Hey....." Derek says and keeps walking. "Hi" I catch up with him. "How have you been?" I ask trying to break the tension. "Alright, the funeral is tomorrow..... Are you coming?" He looks at me. The first time we've made eye contact since the night at the hospital. We're making progress! "Ya, I can't miss that." "Ya......." Derek than looks at the ground again. It goes silent until we hit the door to head to the parking lot. "Please come home!" He burst out saying before I open the door. I look at him with love "I would love to!" We hug and walk out to his car.  

I get in the car and text Natasha.

Me: Hey, Derek and I made up :) So I'll be stay with him again (sure you're happy about that ;) )

Natasha: Great! I'm glad you guys worked things through. And I'm sorry we can't make it to Harrisons funeral tomorrow.

Me: It's fine, I understand that Harry has an One Direction interview.

Natasha: Ok, ttyl :)

"Um Derek?" I look over at him driving. "Ya?" He quickly glances over at me. "I missed you, and I'm sorry for the way I acted." "I missed you too, but why did you act the way you did. I tried to understand but I couldn't." I look outside the passenger window trying to avoid eye contact with him. "I wouldn't expect you to understand.......It's something weird I do. Everyone I've ever loved have ended up leaving me in some way shape or form. So now I have a hard time letting people in....And if I do let you in I push you out again before you push me out. That's what I did with you......" I look over at him again. He stops at a red light and looks back at me and  stares right into my eyes. "Now, I know, you won't push me out." He leans in and we kiss. And a good kiss not just a peck, but it wasn't a make out either. It was the perfect kiss. "You're right, I won't leave you, I won't leave you because I love you!" "I love you to!" We kiss again. Then the car behind us honks letting Derek know that the light has turned green again.

We get home and the house feels empty. "Feels weird, huh?" Derek read my face and called it out. "Yeah. I want to go tell Harrison about my day but, I can't." "Yeah, it felt really weird the night he died and I came back home to an empty house with no one with me." "I'm sorry." He let's out a tiny laugh "it's ok, because I knew the next morning that you would come back here." "How?" I raise an eyebrow "because, you didn't come back to get your stuff." I smile "I wanted to come back sooner, but I didn't know how you would act." He just let's out a sigh. "I'm gonna go to my room for a few minutes. I'll be back for dinner." "Ok what do you want for dinner?" He asks me. "Pasta please, it's my favourite."

I walk into my room everything where I left it but there was a sweater on my on my bed and my sheets are all messed up. I thought it was cute that Derek has been sleeping in my bed with one of my sweaters. I then walk over to my closet and see if I have a dress in there that I can wear for tomorrow. I find this dark grey tight dress that would cut off mid thigh with straps. I thought it would be perfect because Harrison was never really cared for black clothes. I pick out a par of dark blue heels to go with the dress and then I grab the sweater off my bed and put it on. I head downstairs and sit at the island in the kitchen. Derek see's me with the sweater on and starts to smile and blush. "I missed you ok?" I laugh "it's cute..." 

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