Chapter 22

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"Maddie?" Harrison reaches out for me. "What?" I turn around quickly and lean over the side of his bed. "Can I talk to you...alone?" I look at Derek then the doctor, Derek, doctor. "You can have five minutes alone" the doctor said. Derek gets up from the side of the bed gives Harrison a little hug and the doctor guides him out.

"What is it Harrison?" I feel the tears coming on. "I love you like my own daughter." "Aww Harris-" he cuts me off. "No! Let me finish. You and Derek are like my kids. Derek never looked at me like his dad or grandparent. You did the first time you helped me make you a sandwich. He started looking at me the way you did once you came around. You bring out the better side of him. I want you guys to stay together, I know your romance would be well on it's way by now if it wasn't for me having this stroke. I'm sorry. I'm an old guy." I wipe my hot tears that are streaming down my face. "Harrison I love you! You are like my one and only dad. I wish I could have met you sooner."

The doctor walks back in "your five minutes are up." "Please doc, only a few more minutes, I'm not done saying what I need to." Harrison pleads. "Fine, but only another three minutes." "Thank you" I wipe the year that streamed down my face away.

"Maddie, take care of Derek just like you did me. Here...." He hands me a necklace. "This was my wife's before she passed away. She said to give it to the girl that changes my life again. You probably aren't the kind of girl that she ment..." He says trying to make me laugh. "But, you are a girl, and you did change my life so you're perfect to give this to." "Oh, Harrison, you don't have to give me this." "I know, but I want to and so would my wife. Now, come here and let me put it in you." I kneel down by the bed and he puts it around my neck. "Times up!" The doctor walks in. "Now only five minutes with Derek." Derek comes into the room and the doctor shows me out.

I stand outside the door fiddling around with the necklace and trying to hear what they're talking about. All I hear is mumbling. The doctor then walks past me and opens the door up. "Times up. I would give you two more time but it's time for his meds." Derek forces a smile in his face. "It's ok, I understand." Derek walks out of the room with his head to the floor "Dinner?" He asks. "Sure" I force a smile on my face as well.

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