Chapter 4

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"Hey Harrison" I walk into the kitchen looking like a zombie because, my hair isn't brush, I haven't brushed my teeth yet, I literally just woke up. "Hi Maddie, what do you feel like for breakfast?" "That's what I actually want to talk to you about." The kitchen goes silent for a minute. "Ok...." Harrison breaks the silence. "What do you need to talk about?" "I'm leaving" I look  to the ground ashamed. "WHAT?!?!?!" I run over to him putting my hand over his mouth. "Be quiet!, your the only one that knows." He nods his head so, I slowly remove my hand. "I have to go. And your the only person I telling because, your the only one I love and trust." A smile appears on his old wrinkly face. "You know I love you to." He hugs me. "Why are you leaving though?" "I can't do this, I'm pretty sure Emily will be pissed at me because I told Derek the truth last night and Derek, doesn't look that happy will me at the moment. When I told him he looked so hurt." Harrison looks at the ground, then a light bulb went off in his a head I could totally tell. "I'll talk to Derek! He'll understand! I don't want you to go!" I smile "well thanks Harrison but, this was my choice. I have to." I could tell that hurt him a lot. "I'll come visit you." I put my cold hands on his cheeks. "Will do tea everyday still, but, I just won't be living here." A tear rolls down his cheek. "Oh don't cry I'm goona cry!" He laughs and so do I as I fight back the tears. "Here, lets go. I'll go help you pack." He takes my hand and leads me back up to my room.   

"Come back in five minutes please?" Harrison jokes "your funny, I'll miss you a lot to." "I mean it! I've never had a daughter and your the first girl that's ever treated me like a normal person, not as a servant." I feel a tear roll down my face. "Your like, the peanut butter to my jelly!" I start to laugh. "Come on!" I gesture a hug and we stay there for a minute or two. "I'm not the only one that's gonna miss you" he points outside my window where stood Derek talking Marry the maid. I just give him a look like 'so, what? He's the one who wants me gone.' "Goodbye" I say a little frustrated. "I'll be back for tea" I give him one more hug. "Goodbye!"   

As I yank my suitcase down the long stair case who do I bump into? Emily! "Did Derek kick you out too?!?" She sounded shocked. "No...." I look at her confused. "He kicked you out?" "Ya! I'm leaving now! It's all your fault! F**K YOU!" She pushed pasted me with al her stuff. I pick up my suit case and continue on. "Where the heck are you going?" Derek notices me from the bottom of the staircase. "Um, I'm, Um.." I have no clue what to say. "Are you leaving to?" He sounds sad, then lucky me Harrison stands at the top of the staircase so I can't run back up. "Um, I didn't want to get in the middle of your relationship with Emily so, I thought this would be the best thing to do." Derek starts to slowly walk up the staircase. "I got rid of Emily because, I got sick of her lying to me, and I think she was just using me for my money." He inches closer and closer and closer. "You were nothing but truthful, and a really good friend." His chest finally bumps into mine. "Oh" I smile and look down. His face starts inching closer and closer to mine. I feel his lips brush against mine and that when "Ok!" I pull away. I'm so stupid! "I should go unpack again!" I pick up my bag and run back into my room and flop on my bed freaking out.

"Ready for tea?" Harrison asks about two hours later. "Or are you still unpacking?" I pop my head out of my bathroom "just let me dry my hair and get dressed." He nods his head faintly and slowly. "Harrison?" I say quietly when he's not waiting for me in the kitchen. "Dining room!" "Oh" I walk two more feet and sit down. "What have you been up to?" I ask him "most of my two hours have been deleting all the messages Emily's been leaving for Derek." I laugh "are they pitiful?" He begins to laugh as well. "Hell yes!" We both take a sip of our teas to stop laughing. "Here's the more important question." I rise an eyebrow up at him. "Why didn't you kiss Derek? You like him don't you?" "Um, well, I...." Harrison starts to laugh. "You were scared! Don't even lie about it!" "Ya well, we have a good friendship, I don't want to ruin that." Harrison totally didn't believe me. "Ya, ok. Drink your tea." I smile as I take another sip.

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