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"I'm gonna interview Dr. Harrison Wells!" I sing as I open the entrance door to S.T.A.R Labs, "and I'm gonna nail it."

I gasp at the inside of S.T.A.R Labs, there are so many people; tourists, staff members, journalists as myself. It's absolutely amazing! From the structure, to the technology, to just the aroma it gives off. I never thought I would be here, not in a million years. Well technically I'll be dead in less than a million years, so I never imagined it in a human life time. I have a problem.

As I look around, someone bumps into me. Seriously?! This has got to be some sort of record for me. I mean come on, how many people will I bump into until I get hurt?

The man I bumped into had dark, shoulder length hair and a Big Bang Theory t-shit, I respect this guy. "Do you need help?" The man asks.

"Yes actually, I'm here to interview Dr. Harrison Wells for Picture News about the Particle Accelerator," I state showing my new work badge I got today.

The man raises his eyebrows, "oh, you're Ms. Miller?" I nod. "No offense, I expected someone older and wrinkly-er."

I let out a laugh, "everyone usually does. I'm Riley Miller, and I'm only twenty-four and a half. Gotta add the half or I'm too young."

"I'm Cisco Ramon, S.T.A.R Labs' mechanical engineer. May I ask, how were you able to win a Pulitzer Prize Award at age twenty-three? I must admit that's impressive," Cisco admits.

I sigh, "well, I graduated high school at fifteen, went to Emerson right after I finished high school for five years, worked at Starling News for three years, and I guess writing speaks to me. To me winning the award, I'm still surprised on me winning." 

Cisco looks a bit shocked, "awesome."

I chuckle, " can you show me Dr. Wells's office?"

"Oh ya! Just follow me, Dr. Wells is upstairs," Cisco states as he leads me to the staff elevator, "how do you like S.T.A.R Labs so far?"

A huge grin is plastered on my face, "I love it, it's been my dream to come here. If I wasn't a journalist, I would've been a mechanical engineer, actually. It was my second major."

Cisco turns toward me, "you studied two majors?"

I nod, "what? Can't a girl have her hobbies? I got a full scholarship for both, graduating early has its perks."

The elevator doors open to the second floor and I see Cisco mouth wide open in shock, "what do you do on your free time?"

"Well, when I do have some time off, I collapse on my couch and watch Netflix for as long as I can and order a ton of pizza," I explain with my mouth watering at the thought of pizza.

"You...are officially my favorite person," Cisco gushes as I blush.

"She is extraordinary," Dr. Wells comments making both Cisco and I jump, "hello Ms. Miller."

"Dr. Wells."

"Well I'll leave you to it. And Riley," I turn towards him, "we need to start hanging out."

I smile and nod, "see ya, Cisco." Dr. Well put one hand on my back leading me towards his office, "let me just say, it is an honor to be able to interview. You have been my role model for so long." 

When we get to his office, Dr. Wells gestures to sit on the cushioned hair in front of his desk. "Now, shall we get started?"

"Y-yes, we should, just one second." I grab my recorder, a notepad, and a pen from my bag. I then start recording, "so tell me, what pushed you to create S.T.A.R Labs?"

Dr. Wells sighs as he thinks of the answer to my question, "I've always wanted to have my own company, I don't know what triggered that. But I do know what pushed me to name it S.T.A.R Labs, because of my late wife."

"I'm sorry for your loss." I have heard about Tess Morgan's passing that took place fourteen years ago.

"It has been quite some time since she's been here, but she was the one that wanted to name it Scientific and Technological Advanced Research Labs, S.T.A.R Labs."

"Interesting," I state as I write notes down, "why did you want to make the Particle Accelerator?"

"You see, particle accelerators produce beams of charged particles that can be used for a variety of research purposes. And is meant to accelerates elementary particles, such as electrons or protons, to very high energies. Creating such a thing in this century can bring us closer to better technology than we've ever been before," Dr. Wells explains.

"And, why do you feel you're suited to be the one to create this Particle Accelerator?" I ask trying not to sound offensive, "obviously there are other companies such as, Mercury Labs."

"That is an excellent question, Ms. Miller," Dr. Wells admires, "I believe my company is fitted to launch the Particle Accelerator because we have the technology, material, and people to make such a machine. In order to build something so grand, it needs not just employees, but a family. You've already met Cisco Ramon, but he is just one of the hundred who have spent countless hours working on the future of this generation."

"I must say, that is inspirational. How do you choose who works in this facility? By experience? Well of course by experience, but what else?" I ask trying not to ramble too much.

"I follow my gut, I feel that is the most reliable source. Because anyone can exaggerate on their resume, but your gut is your own," Wells states, "and my gut was able to get Dr. Snow, Ronnie Raymond, Cisco Ramon, and many more. Is that all the questions you have?"

"Just one more," I state looking at my questions I wrote down ahead of time. "How do you feel about the people protesting on the Particle Accelerator launching next week?" 

Dr. Wells sighs, "all I want to do is help Central City, and everywhere there are people who don't believe in your ways. You can't help it, everyone has a right to an opinion."

I nod, "I see. Well, that is all the questions I have for you." I get up from the comfortable chair, "it was a pleasure interviewing you."

Dr. Wells gets up and shakes my had, "the pleasure is all mine, have a nice day Ms. Miller."

"You too." With that I leave his office and head to the elevator. "Ah!" I squeal when the elevator doors shut so no one can hear me, "I interviewed the Harrison Wells!"

The elevator doors open again to show the first floor and I walk out. "Hey Riley! Riley Miller!" Cisco calls.

I stop and wait for him, "hey, Cisco. I was just heading out."

"How was your interview?" Cisco asks with curiosity in his voice.

I jump up and down, "it was a dream. He's so inspiring and he's very serious about his work, plus he spoke very highly of you."

Cisco blushes, "that was nice of him."

"It was," I grab my notepad and wrote my number down, "here's my number if you want to hangout sometime, as friends."

Cisco takes the paper and smiles, "sure thing. Now, I'll let you go write your heart out until it explodes, not literally."

I let out a laugh, "bye Cisco." I head out the door and into the parking lot, "off to my car."

Next chapter will be the Particle Accelerator explosion with both point of views, mostly Riley's since you already know what happens to Barry.

Until next time. 

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