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I walk into the CCPD precinct to say hi to David and thank him for letting me look at one of the cases last week. I walk up to the secretary, "is Captain Singh here?"

She nods, "he just came in, he's in his office talking to Detective West. I can leave a message if you want."

"It's okay, I'll wait," I state as I sit down on one of their wooden chairs. "Hopefully I don't have to wait too long," I mumble to myself.

"So how have you been, Felicity?" A voice that sounds exactly like Barry Allen.

Felicity? Here? Now? Yes!!

My head shoot up to see Barry chatting with Felicity. I speed walk up to them, "Felicity!" I squeal as I give her the biggest hug imaginable.

"Riley! Oh god, I've missed you!" Felicity hugs back and sighs in relief, "Starling City isn't the same without you."

"You two know each other?" Barry asks with confusion written on his face.

"Y-ya, we!  Yes, Thea, Oliver's sister, is friends with her and introduced us, and we just clicked." Technically that wasn't a lie, Thea did introduce us, but we started talking when I found out about the Arrow.

"Oh cool, how come I didn't see you when I was in Starling?" Barry asks.

"I was......packing," I lie. I was supposed to be packing, but I was mostly in the gym punching out my anger.

"Anyway..." Felicity tries changing the subject, "Barry and I are heading out if you want to come?"

I shake my head, "I have to go see Captain Singh. Maybe later today." Felicity nods and when Barry isn't looking I whisper, "Felicity and Barry sitting in a tree..."

Felicity glares at me, "Barry let's go. I want to go sight seeing." You could tell she was really saying 'show me S.T.A.R. Labs and get me away from Riley.'

"Bye guys," I say before they head to the elevator. I turn around to see Detective West leave David's office, there's my que.

"Hey Riley," David greets.

"Hi David, how's my favorite cop doing?" I ask with a grin on my face.

"So far, not so good. We got another robbery and so far we got nothing. Well, Joe was saying that Leonard Snart was apart of the robbery with no proof backing him up," David explains with frustration clear on his face.

"I hope you find the guy," I try to lighten the mood. "He can't just disappear, he'll be back and you'll catch him."

David gives me a warm smile, "I hope so too. Now, I am glad you came to visited me, but I got work to do."

I nod, "Ya I understand. See you later, David. Tell Rob I said hi."

"Sure thing. Bye Riley."

I walk out of his office and out of the precinct. Once I get out of the precinct I think, I'm craving pizza. I speed off to S.T.A.R. Labs to ask Cisco if he wants to come because last time I had pizza without him, he didn't speak to me for a week and then I bought him pizza.

"Hey Cisco, you up for som--Felicity!" my eyes go wide as I see Felicity standing there in shock of what she just saw me do.

"You and Barry can...Barry and you can....whoosh?" Felicity tries to talk, "wait, what?!"

"Surprise?" I say, but it sounded  more like a question.

"You...have super speed?" Felicity asks.

There Are Two Speedsters?! [The Flash] [Discontinued]Where stories live. Discover now