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"Bank robbery a block away," Cisco informs through the comm.

I press the ear piece to respond, "on my way." I race into the bank, prepared to fight, and I see Riley kicking five robbers' asses. Riley left hooks a robber, knocking him out, then flipping the second robber to the ground making him gasp for air.

"I could use a little help," Riley pants through the comm.

"Right!" I realize I am just standing there watching in awe. I take the duffle bags full of money and speed into the vault to put it back as it was. When I walk back to help Riley, all five robbers were in zip ties and Riley having a proud smile. "Looks like you got it covered."

"And looks like you need more training," Riley states in a serious tone as she races over to S.T.A.R Labs with me trailing behind."

When we get there I change into sweats and a t-shirt, "let's train."

Riley looks at her phone and giggles, but soon composes herself, "I can only train for an hour, so let's make this quick."

I give her a questionable look, "how come?"

Riley blushes and looks at the floor, Caitlin gasps, "you have a date! I knew it! You were texting someone almost all day!"

My smile drops, "y-you got a date?"

Riley nods, "remember Elias? The guy I introduced you to last night.  Well he asked me out on a date, and I said yes. Plus, I have to pick where we're going."

Caitlin walks in front of Riley, "where are you guys going?"

"Well, he doesn't know, but we're going roller skating. And then, we'll head to Big Belly Burger, since he's never been," Riley explains with a bright smile on.

Caitlin grabs Riley's forearm, "I'm going to find an outfit for Riley, we'll see you later guys. You guys will train later on."

With that, they left. I sigh, "I'm going to go on the treadmill."

Cisco blocks my way, "I think I got something better." Cisco leads me into a room I've never been into before. I see two punching bag, four staffs, a huge black matt in the middle of the room which I'm guessing is for sparing, and other pieces of equipment. "I figured it would be better to train in here then the cortex since it's less likely to break something." Cisco puts me in front of the punching bag and hands me boxing gloves, "just punch all your anger out."

"This is stupid," I groan as Cisco puts the gloves on me.

"What's stupid is how you're acting like a baby when Riley is going on a date," Cisco states at he moves me in front of the punching bag.

"I'm not going to punch this," I explain.

"Like how you're not going to man up and ask Riley out?" Cisco asks as he walks around me making me quite annoyed. "Like how you're not going to tell Iris how you feel? Like how you aren't man enough to decide who you lo--" I scream and punch the punching bag several times with all my strength.  "There you go!"

I punch the bag one more time before I rip the gloves off, "don't ever do that again." I storm out of the room and o onto the treadmill, locking all the doors so no one can come in.


"Good job, man," Cisco congratulates as I race in after a shooting. 

"Thanks," I pant, completely out of breath. "I need-I need water," I state as I grab Cisco's water bottle.

"Hey!" Cisco whines.

"Guess who's back?" Riley giggles as I hear her walk in. I turn towards her and my mouth drops, she's wearing a black and white crop top, black high-waisted shorts, a black and blue shawl, and black ankle boots.

 I turn towards her and my mouth drops, she's wearing a black and white crop top, black high-waisted shorts, a black and blue shawl, and black ankle boots

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"How was your date?" Caitlin and Cisco asks eagerly.

Riley blushes, "I had so much fun!"

"What was your favorite part about it?" Cisco asks as he looks straight at me, and I mentaly flip him off.

"What was my favorite part? Oh! It was the fact that, Elias can't skate! So almost every time he would fall."

"Aw!" Caitlin squeals, "and I did good with the outfit."

Riley twirls, "Elias loved it, but you want to know what he said?" Caitlin rapidly nods, "he said...'no matter what you wear, you're still gorgeous.'"

I ball my fist in anger, but I try to hide it with a fake smile, "sounds like you had fun."

"I did," Riley states. Riley speeds off and comes back wearing a S.T.A.R. Labs t-shirt and dry fit shorts, "you ready to train?"

I grin and nod, "I would love to see you loose."

Riley laughs, "whatever makes you sleep at night." I show Riley the new training room and she runs(normally) to the staffs and hugs them, "oh...I've missed you."

I raise my eyebrows, "you know how to use one?"

"Oliver said I had to learn how to use one before I use a sword, so for about three months I used one of these babies. Plus, practice using a bow," Riley explains. "Do you know how to use a staff?"

I shake my head, "no, I don't. I'm better without a weapon."

"Oh really?" Riley asks with amusement clear in her voice, "then let's see who's better; no weapon, or with a weapon."

"This is going to be easy," I tease. I get in position and I wait for Riley's signal. She nods and I grab the staff in less then a second, "looks like I got y--" Riley uses the staff that's in my hand, flips over me, and kicks me in the back making me fall on my face.

"You were saying? Oh, by the way you were right! It was easy!" Riley teases. I try to grab her feet, but she jumps up and then smashes my hands.

"Ah!" I groan in pain.

"You have to study your opponent's tactics, learn how they move," Riley explains. She pulls me up and looks at my hand, " You got some broken bones, I'd say it'll heal in two hours, let's get your hands wrapped." Riley leads me into Caitlin's little office, grabs bandages and an ice pack. "Okay sit down, and I'll wrap you all up."

I give her a weird look, "um..."

Riley put both of her hands on her face, "that's not what I meant." I chuckle, "shut up." Riley carefully wraps the bandage around my right wrist.

"How are you good at this stuff?" I ask since I can barely feel any pain as she touches my wrist.

"When you are a vigilante, you learn how to tend to wounds and broken bones," Riley explains as she starts wrapping my other wrist. "Plus, sometimes Oliver needs a little help with his injuries."

"I bet that wounds his ego," I joke.

"You have no idea," Riley says with a serious tone. Riley grabs two ice packs and gently places them on both hands, "alright, you're all good."

Riley looks up and looks into my eyes. "Thanks," I breathe out. For some reason, we keep staring at each other intently. As if time just stopped, we were just frozen. Not caring she was just on a date, I start leaning in. Before I could lean further, Riley speeds out of the room, not leaving a trace. "Damn it," I groan.


Control yourself Barry!

Hope you enjoyed this chapter! Until next time! This is C.C. over and out! 

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