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Favorite line of the episode^^^


After having a very heated conversation with Iris about her blog, I get a phone call from S.T.A.R. Labs. This can't be good.

"Yeah," I greet.

"We've piggybacked onto General Eiling's surveillance," Cisco states over the phone. "According to what they're saying, the lovely Ms. Sans Souci was just spotted in Anglewood."

"The same neighborhood as Dr. Harold Hadley's office, the military surgeon who preformed several procedures on her. That's why she was looking for the folder." Caitlin explains

"You've go to get to her before Eiling does," Cisco states. "Riley is already on her way."

"Okay," I say I say before I speed into my suit and go look for Bette.

"Barry, the military is almost ready to shoot the office to bit, I need your help," Riley whispers making sure only we could hear her.

"I'm almost there," I state as I run faster. I super speed into the office and behind Bette, making her turn around to see me.

"Streak, I can't hold them off for much longer!" Riley yells clearly in the middle of a fight. But before I could say anything, Bette gets shot and falls to the ground. "I just heard a soldier to go get Bette, I'm doing the best I can, but I don't think I can get him in time," Riley states.

I bend down and ask Bette, "You okay? I can get you out of here. I can help you understand what happened to you."

"How?" Bette asks.

"Because it happened to me and the girl trying to fight off the soldiers," I explain. "Please," I beg.

"Get out of there!" Riley screams in terror as something lands in the room. From the looks of it, it's some type of bomb. Before it could do anything, I grab Bette and super speed out of there.

"Riley, meet us at the lab. We're okay," I state.

I hear her sigh in relief, "On my way."


"As the detonation dispersed throughout Central City a number of people were exposed to a wave of unquantifiable energy," Wells explains to Bette with a projection of what happened during the explosion. "One of those people was you. You were in Central City ten months ago," Wells states as Caitlin hands Bette high tech gloves that contain her powers.

Bette looks at the gloves, "I had just returned from Afghanistan." Bette puts on the gloves, "I was there defusing roadside bombs and shrapnel ripped through me. I was flown back Stateside. Spent months at the base recuperating. And next thing I know, I became the thing that almost killed me. And Eiling's favorite new lab rat."

"The dark matter must have combined with the bomb particulate inside your body," Caitlin explains.

Bette gave us a shocked look, "I thought Eiling did this to me."

"Eiling is not smart enough to create someone like you, but clever enough to see your value," Wells states.

"Do you know any others who changed?" Bette asks.

Riley shrugs, "there've been a few."

"But no one that looks like you," Cisco flirts making us all stare at him. "I'm sorry. That was inappropriate." Cisco awkwardly chuckles, "Please don't leave."

Caitlin gets out of her seat, "Right now we are going to do some test to check your vitals."

We put her in the treadmill room, get her on a hospital bed, and we get blood samples. Wells puts them in the system and looks at the vitals, "Cell structure is unlike anything I've ever seen."

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