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"How many times do I have to say I'm sorry?" I ask as I follow Riley up the stairs to our lab.

"Until I actually believe you," Riley answers as she turns on her computer.

"And when will that be?" I ask as I turn off her computer, turn her office chair, and have her face me.

Riley rolls her eyes, "Can we talk about this later? I still need to find an excuse for Cisco and Caitlin leaving to go to Starling City."

"Wait, they went to Starling?"

"Yeah, they told me last night," Riley explains as she goes through files, trying to find a way to ignore me.

"Riley......" I trail off. "Can we please have an actual conversation?"

"About what?"

"About what happened after I was whammied," I inform. She freezes in  her place, "Didn't Elias get released a few days ago?"

"Barry, Elias and I are no longer together," Riley explains and my heart starts having a fiesta. "He broke up with me the day after you got whammied, so that's why you haven't seen me with him." Riley sighs, "He no longer trusts me to tell him the truth because I didn't tell him about how I met the Flash or when....when know...."

"No I don't know, care to explain?" I tease.

Before Riley could say anything, she phone rings, "Hey, Caitlin. Boomerang man? On our way." Riley hangs up and looks at me, "Boomerang man is at A.R.G.U.S. Headquarters, Oliver and Roy need our help."

"Who's Roy?"

"No time to discuss that, we got to go," Riley states as we super speed into our suits and towards Starling City.


When we arrive, boomerangs are thrown at Oliver, Riley and I super speed towards him and grab the boomerangs before they could hit him. Everyone looks at me and Riley for a second, giving the boomerang man the chance to escape and he takes it.

Before anyone says anything, Riley and I super speed to Oliver's hideout or 'Arrow Cave'. I sigh, "That wasn't too hard."

"That's because Oliver, Lyla, Roy, and Dig did all the work," Riley snaps as she takes off her mask. "All we did was grab some boomerangs."

"That could have killed Oliver if we weren't there," I explain.

"So...I'm guessing they still aren't happy with each other," Felicity says to Caitlin.

"Yup," Caitlin responds as Riley rolls her eyes and walks over to the bo staffs.

"More like Riley isn't happy with me," I explain.

"Congratulations," Riley fake smiles. "You can state the obvious."

I roll my eyes as I start using the salmon ladder. After going up and down about twenty times, I jump down and put the bar away.

"I don't see what's so hard about that," I brag, trying to impress Riley, but she just rolls her eyes

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"I don't see what's so hard about that," I brag, trying to impress Riley, but she just rolls her eyes.

"I'm not sure she should have called you," Felicity explains as I give her a confused look. "Oliver doesn't play well with others."

"Come one," we all look at Cisco who is trying to use the salmon ladder. "Barry, Riley, and Oliver kicked ass last week."

I smile, "Yeah."

"They were in like, a league of their own," Cisco states.

"Yeah, that was, like, a one-time thing," Felicity tries saying nicely.

"The dude was tossing around exploding boomerangs," I inform, trying to tell Felicity to shut up in a nice way. "They needed back-up. And I need some dinner. That salmon ladder made me hungry for sushi."

"I'm heading out for pizza," Riley states as her and I super speed out of the night club basement.

After I get my sushi, I super speed back into the basement to see that Riley beat me here. Caitlin clears her throat, "Secret identity."

I look around to see Lyla, Dig, Oliver, and I think...Roy.

"Oops....?" Riley says with a mouthful of pizza.

I shrug, "They're married."

"We're not married," Dig and Lyla explain.

"Or together. Whatever. He told her about us," I state as Dig shake their heads. "You didn't?"

"I keep secrets for a living, man," Diggle states.

"Ah. Our bad," I say as I take a bite of my sushi.

"You...and...Riley...are..." Lyla tries to find the words to ask how and what me and Riley are.

"The Flash and....wait, what is your code name?" I ask as Riley shrugs. "Sushi?" I ask Lyla and she shakes her head.

"We need a location on the man who's after Lyla," Oliver buts in. "His name is Digger Harkness."

"First step is to work the evidence--" I try explaining, but Oliver cuts me off.

"Riley, Barry, can I speak to you two for a moment?" Oliver asks, but really orders. Riley and I follow him, away from everyone. "I appreciate your help back at A.R.G.U.S., but we have this handled."

"You don't want to team up again?" I ask, a little offended.


"Things work differently here," Oliver cuts Riley off. "Starling City is meaner."

"I remember helping you pretty good last year, without powers," I snap. "I've been practicing everything you taught me. I'm casing new environments, I'm not running in blind."

Oliver looks at Riley for help, but she shrugs, "I'm down."

Oliver sighs, "We do this my way."

"Yes!" I cheer, "this is gonna be awesome."

"What's our first move?" Riley asks.

"We need to reassemble the evidence," Oliver informs as we walks closer to where everyone is. "It will take some time, but it'll--" I super speed to the boomerangs that is broken into pieces and I reassemble it in seconds. "But it will be worth it."

"Rad," Cisco grabs one of them. "These are more teched out than the one you guys brought to Central City." Cisco starts examining it, "3D printed polymer with a circuitry weave."

"Some of Harkness' boomerangs exploded," Roy adds in.

Cisco nods, "Oh yeah. There are grooves that could pack a C4 charge."

"Maybe if we figure out here Harkness got the supplies, we can track him," Caitlin suggests.

"These weren't made by Ka-Boom-Boomerang," Cisco explains.

"Ka-Boom-Boomerang?" Roy asks confused.

"Yeah, you know, he has exploding boomerangs," Cisco says, prideful of the name he came up with.

"Is that your best?" Riley asks with her eyebrows raised.

"Really? It makes perfect--"

"Cisco," Oliver interrupts, man he is on a roll. "If Harkness didn't make them, we need to find out who did."

"And who he made the buy off of," Dig adds.

"Markos," Cisco says making everyone turn towards him. "You see this collapsible-node design? Dead giveaway. That's his signature."

"We need a location on this...?"

"Klaus Markos," Cisco finishes his sentence.

Felicity gets on her computer and starts typing, "No known home address or place of employment for Markos. But he was arrested last year by an Officer Quintin Lance."

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