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Be careful making wishes in the dark dark

Can't be sure when they've hit their mark, mark

And besides in the mean, mean time

I'm just dreaming of tearing you apart

I'm in the de-details with the devil

So now the world can never get me on my level

I just got to get you out of the cage

I'm a young lover's rage

Gonna need a spark to ignite

"What're you doing?" A female voice asks.

"It's her favorite song," a male voice states, wait.....Cisco? Why am I hearing Cisco's voice? I'm so confused.

"How would you even know that?" the woman asks with annoyance in her voice.

"I checked her Facebook, geez." I open my eyes and gasp for air, "oh! She's up!"

I shoot up, "where am I?" I ask as I start ripping off the cords on me. "Why am I here? What is happening?"

"Riley! Calm down, you're in S.T.A.R Labs," Cisco states.

I look at him with disbelief, "S.T.A.R Labs?" I look to my right to see an unconscious Barry Allen, "Barry? What is going on?!"

A woman shoves a plastic cup in my face, "I need you to pee in this."

Cisco snatches the cup, "not this second. Riley this is Cai--Dr. Snow. And were struck by lightning. And you just woke up from a coma."

I jump off the bed I was laying on, "lightning? Coma? How long?"

"Nine months," Cisco answers.

"Nine months?!" I yell, "I missed my deadline!"

You just woke up from a coma and that's what you think about?

Cisco runs to a desk and passes me a S.T.A.R Labs sweater, jeans, and converse, "here's some clothes to change into instead of wearing a hospital gown."

I take the clothes, "thanks. Um...where can I change?"

"Oh! Down the hall to your right," Cisco states as he points to the hall behind a long white desk that has the S.T.A.R Labs logo on it.

I nod and sprint into the bathroom, lightning? What has my life become? 

After I finished getting dressed, I head back where I was before where I see Cisco and Dr. Snow talking about something.

"Hey," I say weakly, "I think I should head home."

Cisco shoot out of his seat, "you just got out of a coma! For nine months."

"I feel fine," I state putting on a big smile, "I don't feel any different. I'm the same Riley Miller, bye,"

"But Dr. Wells would probably like to meet you," Dr. Snow blurts.

"For what?" I ask, "to tell you guys I'm fine? Really, I feel normal. And, can you do me a favor?" I ask before leaving.

Cisco nods, "ya, what is it?"

"Can you maybe not tell Barry that I was also in a coma? I don't want him to worry, or ask questions," I explain.

They both nod, "yes, Ms. Miller. We'll do as you ask."

I smile, "thank you, goodbye. Oh! And just tell him you have no idea who I am or that I was with when Barry was hit. Bye!"

"Bye Riley!" Cisco yells as I speed walk out. All of a sudden, I hear Poker Face by Lady Gaga start to play. What the hell?

There Are Two Speedsters?! [The Flash] [Discontinued]Where stories live. Discover now