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I super speed to the warehouse because Oliver wants to have another 'session'. I'm so getting shot again.

"Thinking of new ways to embarrass me?" I growl behind Oliver.

"I'm not trying to embarrass you, Barry," Oliver states as I roll my eyes, "but you went after Bivolo last night alone and you lost him." 

I scoff, "And you've never had a misstep?"

"Of course I've had missteps," Olive explains as I out my hands on the back of my neck. "Barry, I have been living this life for almost eight years encountering things that you can't even fathom and I am still alive." I cross my arms in annoyance, "Not because of super speed kept me out of the ground. It was because I realized that I needed to keep learning, keep training, keep getting smarter. And until you get that, despite your best intentions, you will do more harm than good."

Anger grows and grows in my body, "I finally see it. You're a little bit jealous of me and Riley, aren't you?" Oliver stays frozen, "A guy like you, handsome, rich, can have any girl he wants, jealousy is probably a new emotion for you, so you might be a little slow to get what it is that you're feeling."

I want closer to Oliver until we are only a few inches apart. Oliver still shows no emotion, "That's your theory?"

"Absolutely," I state. "See you can train, lift weights, climb that stupid bar until your heart explodes, but you'll never be as fast as I am. You will never be what Riley and I--what I am. And that's gotta hurt your rock hard pride, Ollie."

I start walking away when I hear, "I told Felicity you didn't want my help."

"Yeah?" I yell, "You're finally right about something."

I super speed away, leaving Oliver to try and heal his now wounded ego. I enter the precinct, with rage clear on my face.

I hear footsteps following me, "Allen," dammit Singh. "Where are you and Riley with the Bivolo case?"

"I'm working on it," I grumble.

"Care to be more specific?" Singh asks in an annoyed voice. I ignore him as I walk up the stairs, "Hey, how about you answer me when I ask you a question?"

I turn around and yell, "Hey, how about you back off?"

Singh's glare grows, "Excuse me?"

"Do you ever do this to Riley? Your perfect little soon to be niece?" I snap. "I work just as hard as anyone in this building. I don't need you constantly berating to do my job. When it's done, you'll have it, all right?"

A hand is place on Singh's chest and Joe says, "Sorry, captain, he's having an allergic reaction to some bad medication."

I roll my eyes at the two and Singh snaps, "You remind him who answers to who. And next time you bad mouth riley, you won't have a job anymore." Singh walks back into his office and I start walking down the stairs.

"Have you lost your mind?" Joe asks behind me.

I tug on my hair and lean on a wall, "I'm so sick of Singh talking to me like that."

"He's still our boss," Joe states. "I know you're upset about losing Bivolo--"

"Wait, wait," I walk up to Joe. "You're just like him. Like Wells and Oliver and everyone else in my whole life that didn't think I could get the job done. You wanna help me, Joe?" I ask as I point to myself. "You wanna help? Get my dad out of prison. You helped put him in there, didn't you?"

I look behind Joe to see Riley and Elias waiting for the elevator doors to open as they giggle and laugh. Joe sighs, "Barry, I need you to calm down. Why don't we both take a ride down to S.T.A.R. Labs?"

There Are Two Speedsters?! [The Flash] [Discontinued]Where stories live. Discover now