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"And...put this one here," Iris says pointing where to put the ornament on the Christmas tree. "Thanks for coming here so quickly, I don't know what I'd do without you."

"No problem," I say, giving my friend a fake smile.

I love Iris, but not even an hour ago I was told my father was actually murdered, the fake smile is the happiest I'll be for a while.

Behind us, the door opens, making Iris turn around as I keep working on the tree quietly.

"Hey, Barry," Iris greets. "Just in time. We're almost done." Iris sighs, "Are there awards for tree-trimming? Because this is award worthy, right Riley?"

I just nod.

" I talk to Riley for a minute?" Barry asks, making me tense up.

Why does he want to talk to me? Is it about my dad? Is it about Wells?

"Sure," Iris says before leaving the room and upstairs.

"What's up?" I ask, avoiding his stare as I continue to put ornaments on the tree.

I two arms wrap around my waist and Barry gives me a tight hug, "I love you, Riley."

My body freezes, but I try to cover it with a friendly smile, "Aw, I love you too, Bar."

Barry lets me go and looks slightly frustrated, what did Barry mean by, 'I love you'?  Barry leads me to Iris' couch and sits me down across from him.

"When you first came to Central City, I felt a connection with you, I just thought it was more of a friendship than anything. But then we got these abilities and I got to know you better; what you like, what you don't like, your vulnerabilities, things that make you smile. Then Felicity made me realize the connection was much more than friendly, but then you started dating Elias. I missed my chance to be with you, then when I got whammied, I annihilated any chance I had."

I give Barry a sympathetic look, "Barry..."

"Please, just let me finish," I nod. "Then we slept together, you have no idea how happy I was when I saw you next to me the next morning. That night, I knew it wasn't just a simple middle school crush, it's love. You have no idea how long I've wanted to tell you, but I didn't know when to tell you."

A tear rolls down my face, knowing that I'm gonna break his heart when I start talking. Why couldn't he have told me sooner?

"You have no idea how long I've waited for you to tell me that," Barry smiles and tries to say something. "But...I can't be in a relationship with you."

"What? Why not?" Barry asks with pleading eyes.

"I just recently found out a few things that I can't get over for a while, and I'm just gonna be a burden to you," I explain vaguely. "I'm sorry."

"Riley, you're not going to be a burden to--"

"Yes I am," I interrupt. I take a deep breath and stand up, "I should be get going, lots to do tomorrow."


I walk out of the house with tears in my eyes and a broken heart, oh how I wish I said the exact opposite to Barry, but I cant give him what he needs.

My ringer starts blaring from my purse, I answer the call.

Before I can say hello Cisco yells, "Come to S.T.A.R. Labs now!!! The Reverse Flash is gonna kill Dr. Wells!"

I almost drop my phone before I speed to S.T.A.R. Labs as fast as I can, I grab the man in the yellow suit away from Dr. Wells and we go through the ceiling.

As we crash onto the outside concrete, I smash my head on a car's front window. Barry swoops in while I'm getting off of the car and gets slammed onto the floor. I speed over to them and I get  fist to the stomach, I grab the man's wrist, but he flips me over and throws me onto the ground. The Reverse Flash rips off Barry and I's masks and kicks up back to the ground, but all of a sudden, flames shoot at the man, making him fly across the parking lot.

We all look at the source of the flames and my mouth drops, Ronnie?

"Out race is not yet done. See you soon, Bolt and Flash," Reverse Flash grumbles before running off once again.

Cisco and Caitlin run towards, Caitlin goes up to Ronnie and Cisco pulls Barry and I up, but I fall down again because I now have a broken ankle.



I look at the snow globe my mom gave me years ago in my office wishing things could've ended differently tonight.

"Hey, Barry," Joe greets, walking to my office, hesitantly.

I give him a smile, "You know, my mom traveled around the world twice. She spent a semester abroad in Spain. She loved it so much that after she graduated she went to Europe. Didn't stop until she went to few dozen other cities." I put down the snow globe, "She always wanted to go back, but she never got the chance."

Joe pulls up a chair in front of me, "I offered to send you abroad when you were in college."

"Yeah, I know, I remember," I sigh. "I couldn't take off. I mean the truth is...I'm stuck Central City. Fear has kept me in that living room for fourteen years. Joe, I'm...I was mad at you for being scared. But...I mean the truth is, I was the one that was scared. I've been afraid of the man in the yellow whole life. That's why I lost. That's why we lost."

"When you first moved in with us, I thought it was gonna be too much," Joe admits. "I'm already a single dad...finances were tough, and you were a little boy who just lost his mother. But," he lets out a chuckle, "man, was I wrong. Within two weeks you had changed the dynamic of the house. Suddenly the house was filled with this...light...this energy. I mean, you brightened up everything. You'd seen more darkness than any man will in a lifetime...and you never let it dim your soul. So there I was thinking that I'm changing your life by taking you in...but the truth changed mine. So don't lose that light now, Bar. The world may need the Flash, but..." Joe chokes, making me tear up, "I need my Barry Allen." Joe and I stand up and he gives me a bright smile and wraps his arms around me, "Let's go home."

"Yeah," I say, hugging Joe back.


Joe opens his front door and I'm greeted by Cisco, Caitlin, Eddie, Iris, and Riley.

"What are you guys doing here?" I ask, putting my coat away.

"I invited them," Joe answers. "Where's Dr. Wells?"

"Uh, he wasn't feeling up to a social gathering," Riley responds with a ankle brace and crutches on. "But he did appreciate the invitation. Eggnog?"

"Yes," Joe responds as Riley hobbles over the Joe with a glass filled with the delicious concoction.

"Merry Christmas, Barry," Eddie greets with Iris on his lap.

I give him a warm smile, "You too, Eddie. Congratulations, I heard you too were moving together."

"Thanks," Iris says.

I walk over to Riley, who is sitting on the long couch with her healing foot on the coffee table and a mug of eggnog.

"Hey," I greet awkwardly.

"Hi," Riley greets.

"How's you're foot?" I ask, trying to make conversation.

"Healing," Riley answers. "How's the office looking?"

"Messy, when are you gonna come back to work?" I ask, genuinely curious on the answer.

"I'm not."

"What?" I say in disbelief.

"Dad, it's time," Iris calls, ending Riley and I's conversation.

Joe walks over to the tree and grabs the Christmas Angel and puts it on the top of the tree for all to admire. Everyone lets out small cheers and giggles and we look at the angel, Riley and I share an uncomfortable stare as I give her pleading look.

What did she find out that's pushing her away from me?

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