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I stare at Riley in shock and in awe, she can do what I do. Wait, how can she do what I do? It's not possible. And, why is Captain so pissed at me? Well, more than usual.

"Riley?" I finally say.

She looks up to see me and fear is clearly on her face. Riley stands up, but still has one foot pushing him back onto the concrete. "What're you doing here?"

"I heard screaming, so I followed it here. How-how could you do that?" I stutter. "Did something happen to yo--" Before I could say anything else, a gust of wind hits me and she disappears.

I think we both know where she's heading.

I run to S.T.A.R Labs in a matter of seconds, franticly looking for Riley. Where could she be? What happened to her?

"What the hell did the lightning do to me?!" Riley yells from a distance. Lightning? But she wasn't hit by lightning, right?

"Riley, what're you talking about?" Cisco asks in a calm voice.

I look into the room where everyone else is and I see red lightning zooming all around the room, so she is like me.

Riley is suddenly in front of me, going wide eyed, "Barry?"

"So I'm guessing you both know each other," Dr. Wells guesses.

I zip to the other side of the room, "neighbors and semi-friends, we met a week and half ago. And Riley," I grab her attention, "care to explain how you can do this too?"

Riley sighs, "I was hit by lightning also, the night the Particle Accelerator exploded. Woke up before you."

"Why didn't you tell me?" I ask accusingly. 

"Oh ya, I could just go and say, hi buddy I was hit by lightning and was in a coma for nine months. Oh! And I also got superpowers! Ya, no," Riley states.

"Enough of the arguing!" Dr. Wells gets our attention. "Now Ms. Miller, is there a reason you chose to stop by, or did you just want to scream at us?"

"Right, how did this happen to me? Lightning doesn't give people super speed, usually brain damage and scars," Riley informs.

"The Particle Accelerator chemicals mixed with the storm and caused this," Dr. Wells explains pointing to the both of us. "But in order to understand it, we need to run some tests on your speed."

"I order to get rid of it?" Riley asks hopefully. Why would she want to get rid of this? Is she out of her mind?


"You dont really believe they could go that fast, do you?" Dr. Snow asks.

"Well, I believe anything is possible, and in a few minutes you will too." Dr. Wells states.

"I am not weaaring that disgrace of nature," Riley protests. "Look at Barry, he looks ridiculous in that thing."


"You know it's true! I wear the hat thingy, that's it," Riley says with seriousness in her voice. "Let's get this over with."

"At least Barry will be moving so fast, no one will see it," Ciso defends.

"Also true, but that still doesn't explain why the world slowed down," I assert.

"See, you think the world was slowing down. It wasn't. You both were moving so fast, it only looked like everyone else was standing still." Cisco explains, "Dr. Wells will be monitoring both of your energy output and Caitlin your vitals."

I face Ciso, "what do you do?"

"He makes the toys," Riley adds in,  we both stare at her,  "ya I know what he does, so what?"

Cisco nods, "check it. These are two-way headsets with cameras I modified typically designed to combat battlefield impulse noise. Or in this case, potential sonic booms. Which would be awesome."

Caitlin comes up to Riley and I to make sure tshe can be able to check my vital, "Riley, since you won't wear the suit, just wear this belt  it does almost the same things as the suit." Caitlin hands her the belt, no fair! Then she turns to me and starts touching the suit, have you noticed she's always so cold? She sees me staring, "what?"

I shake my head, "nothing. I just notice you don't smile much."

Riley gives me a shut-up-or-you-will-get-slapped look. Caitin moves the hair out of her face, "my once promising career in bioengineering is over. My boss is in a wheelchair for life. The explosion that put you in a coma also killed my fiance." I shouldn't have said anything, I realize that now. "So this blank expression kind of feels like the way to go." 

"You're an idiot," Riley whispers to me.

Now, Dr. Wells comes up to us, "Mr. Allen and Ms. Miller, while I am extremely eager to determine your full range of abilities I do caution restraint.

We both nod, "ya, okay."

Riley and I get into position, we both look back to get the go signal. Alright, here goes nothing, or maybe something.

We both start using the super speed, but for some reason Riley was going fast than me. "Riley just passed three hundred knots per hour, Barry two hundred," Cisco says through the headsets.

I hear Caitlin say, "it's not possible."

I start going faster than Riley, but my mind went back to the night,


"Mom!" My eleven year old self screams to my mother who was in the middle of the living room trapped because of these red and yellow....I don't know what they are.

"No! Barry!" My mom tries to get me to step away.

"Mom!" I yell again.

"Don't!" My mom protests, "Don't let him touch you!" All of a sudden in the red and yellow lights I see a man.

End of Flashback

I'm back on the runway, but I'm in front of these plastic barrels. "Barry!" Riley yells  before both of us crash into the barrels.


"Barry it looks like you had a distal radius fracture, and Riley you had a dislocated shoulder and a broken ankle," Caitlin explains.

"Had?" We both asks.

"It's all healed, in a matter of three hours," Caitlin shows us the x-rays.

"How is that even possible?" Riley asks with shock on her face.

Caitlin looks down, "we don't know. Yet."

Cisco comes up with the helmet in his hand, "you really need to learn how to stop."

"What happened out there today?" Dr. Wells asks with disappointment in his eyes and written all over his face. "You both were moving pretty well and then something caused Barry to lose focus and in the process, hurt Ms. Miller."

"You can call me Riley," Riley adds in.

I give him the most serious face I can make, "I started remembering something." Dr. Wells eyes tell me to continue. "When I was eleven, my mom was murdered." Everything went silent and all eyes were on me, "it was late. The sound woke me up. I came downstairs....and I saw what looked like a ball of lightning. Inside the lightning, there was a man. He killed my mom. They arrested my dad. He's still sitting in Iron Heights for her murder. Everyone, the cops, the shrinks, they all told me what I saw was impossible. But what if the man who killed my mom was like Riley and I?"

Dr. Wells sighs, "well I think I can say unequivocally, you two are the only ones."

Riley buts in, "soon you'll be one of a kind."

Now, everyone is looking at her. I give her a confused look, "what're you talking about?"

"I don't want these powers, I never asked for them, I was in the wrong place at the wrong time. And I will do what ever it takes to make me normal again," Riley declares.

There Are Two Speedsters?! [The Flash] [Discontinued]Where stories live. Discover now