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I know I said I would do this chapter about the Particle Accelerator, but I feel like this chapter is needed.

And, I decided I'm not going to do Barry Allen's Point of View because most of you already know what happened to Barry. 

"Ah, that's the stuff," I gulp down my fifth cup of coffee, as I type the last paragraph of my article on Harrison Wells. After five days, four drafts, and two mental breakdowns, I finally am almost done.

I hear someone's footsteps coming towards me, "you're still on that computer?" I look up to see Iris with a big, brown paper bag.

"What're you doing here?" I ask still looking at my work computer, writing my fingers off. "And with a paper bag?"

"I was thinking, we head to your apartment and eat all the Chinese food we can handle. You've been isolated from the world since I met you, which was five days ago, so long time. And plus, you are basically living off of coffee," Iris states.

I sigh, "fine." I turn off the computer, "but only...because I need a shower." My stomach grumbles, "and maybe...a little food."

"Yes!" Iris squeals.

"Just let me--" I try to type a few more sentences.

"Nope!" Iris turns off the monitor and grabs my forearm, "lets go!"

"But--" but it's too late. I'm dragged out of Picture News and straight towards her car.

"No buts. You made your decision already. Now, you're going to get into this car, I'm going to drive to your apartment, you're going to take a shower, eat take out, and tell me more about your history," Iris orders.

I sigh in defeat, "fine."

"Yay!" Iris claps her hands, "now, get in the car."

I put my hands up in surrender, "alright, fine. I'll get in the car, but if the Chinese food is cold when I get out of a shower, you are out."

Iris chuckles, "okay."


I wrap a towel around my damp hair and smooth out my bathrobe.

Now I feel clean!

I tip-toe out of my bathroom and sneakily go to my bedroom. But of course, the floor made a squeak. "Riley? You out?"

"Ya...just need to change!" I lie as I quietly open my laptop to finish the article. "Just a few more minutes and I'll be done," I whisper to myself.


"Finally," I sigh in relief, "after five days of working, I did it."

"Riley! The movie's starting!" Iris yells in excitement, "And the food's warm!"

My head pops up and I sprint to my living room, "I'm here! I'm here! And don't you dare touch the sesame chicken!"

Iris freezes in place, right before she was about to take a huge bite of the sesame chicken, "oops?"

"Ya, oops," I try to say without smiling, "just kidding, you may have three pieces. I get the rest, deal?"

Iris smiles, "deal."

"Good," I state, "now, what movie are we watching? It better not be a chick flick."

Iris shakes her head, "no,  since you have terrible taste in movies, I picked Annabelle. Everyone says it's good, but I've never watched it."(A/N don't forget the series started in 2014)

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