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"Barry, you there?" Cisco asks through the comm as i super speed to the location.

"What?" Barry asks in a weird voice.

"Police got a ping from the tracer in the stolen cash," Cisco explains. "SWAT team is closing in on the 1600 of Pass."

"Now stop ruining Iris's love life and help Riley," Caitlin orders.

A SWAT team member shoots at Joe and the other member, I race over to grab the bullets. Barry comes in and pushes everyone to the floor. The SWAT team meber is about to shoot again when a hear and all to familiar sound, and then two arrows land in the shooter's chest. I turn around to the one and only; Oliver Queen in his Arrow suit.

"Nice masks," Olivers says to Barry and I before he climbs up a pole and disappears to the top level. I smile at the sight of my old friend.


Barry and I race to where Oliver said to meet a few miles away, in the far end of Central City. Of course, Barry and I get there first. As we slide to a stop I see flying French fries, I look up to see Diggle scared half to death.

"By the way, we gave Oliver like a half-hour head start," Barry states as we take off our masks.

"Hi, Riley," Felicity greets.

"Hey, Fel," I greet.

"Hi, Barry," Felicity says to Barry.

"Hi, Felicity," Barry greets.

I turn towards DIGgery-Doo, "How are you doing, Digg?"

Diggle stays frozen in shock, "You guys are fast."

"Did you guys not tell him about us?" Barry asks.

I realize I still haven't told Oliver and I say under my breathe, "Dammit."

"Well, seeing is believing," Felicity explain. She tries to hold in a chuckle, "Or drooling."

Oliver parks his motorcycle and walks towards us, oh boy. "Hey," Barry walks next to him, "thanks for showing up back there. But we had it."

Oliver looks unimpressed, "Uh-huh."

"I was getting ready to make my move," Barry states.

"What move?" I ask. "To the morgue, you were on the floor. Thank you Oliver for being there in time."

"Wait, what are you guys doing here in Central City?" Barry asks.

"Working a case," Felicity explains with a burger in her hand. She outs the burger down, grabs the purse I got her for Christmas, and pulls out a bag. "Suspicious homicide in Starling where the murder weapon is a boomerang."

Barry grabs it and examines it, "Cool." Oliver gives him a stern look, "I mean, awful."

I try not to chuckle at his nerdiness. "I found traces of iron oxide on it. I know it's a long shot, but Central City has the highest concentration of iron oxide in the country," Felicity explains.

Barry is still looking at the boomerang, "Did you know, Australian aboriginals used boomerangs to hunt? Mainly on kangaroo which is surprisingly low-fat source of--"

Oliver clears his throat so Barry would shut up and Barry gives back the boomerang, "We were following a lead when we heard the SWAT team raid over the radio and I thought that I would come by, watch you make your move."

"I had a cousin hit by lightening once," Diggle finally says, "He just developed a stutter."

Oh! Poor Timmy. I remember him.

There Are Two Speedsters?! [The Flash] [Discontinued]Where stories live. Discover now