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Everyone on this planet at some point in their life has had a major case of the feels, I think to myself as I super speed around the city. Those days when your heart is just too small to hold the big things your feeling, I place a bouquet of flowers on a table to lightne a couple's date. Today's one of those days. We think of our emotions like they're these unique personal phenomena that no one has ever felt what we have felt, I paint a big wall yellow so the workers already have they're job done. There is a basis in science for every emotion we feel: anger, love. I push two people closer on a bench. As a scientist, I know there's nothing magical about what makes us feel something for someone else, I stop as I see Riley walking down the street looking so happy, but then I see her smile. Man, that can not be science. Riley was right a few moths a go when I said I was in love with someone, she just got the person wrong.

I super speed outside of CCPD, quickly change into normal clothes, and shove the suit into a duffle bag that I put behind the CCPD with extra clothes in it so I don't have to go back to my house. Right as I walk into the elevator, a hand stops the elevator from closing and I see Riley is the owner of that very hand.

"Hey," Riley greets as she walks into the elevator.

"Hey partner," I tease.

Riley rolls her eyes, "You know I can kick your sorry ass any day."

I put my hands up in surrender, "Okay, but I'm not the one who finally caved and asked Captain Singh to get her a job."

Before Riley could respond, the elevator doors open, "Well we have to go to the lab."

"And just so you know, I took a test so I'm certified as a CSI," Riley states.

"Overachiever much?" I bug as we walk up stairs.

"Not my fault I'm smarter than you," Riley brags. 

"I went to college," I try one upping her.

"So did I, at fifteen. Then took college for five years," Riley states as my mouth drops. Riley closes my mouth, "Told you."

"My point stands, overachiever."

Riley rolls her eyes, "Whatever." Riley's phone goes off as we walk into the lab, "Hello? Oh, hey babe." My heart clenches, "Yes, I do know we are going on a double date with Iris and Eddie in three days. I forgot once. I just had Big Belly Burger today. You want another drawer?" I stiffen, another one?  I think Riley could sense my uncomfortableness because she says, "I'll talk to you later. Elias....Fine. I love you too..." I want to curl up into a ball when I hear Riley tell Elias those three words. "Bye." Riley looks at me, "Sorry about that, Elias was just asking about something."

I bite my lip, trying not to seem jealous, "No problem."

"Barry...we talked about this," Riley warns.

"Just cause your dating him, doesn't mean I have to like him," I snap.

"But I'd like you to," Riley begs. "What did he ever do to you?"

He stole you from me.

"I just have a bad feeling about him," I lie as I pretend to be busy in the computer.

"How about this....why don't we all have dinner at my place tonight?" Riley suggests. "You can really get to know him. Plus, I'm a really good cook when it comes to speedster's diets."

I think about it for a minute, "We have to go patrolling tonight."

"Dammit," Riley cusses in defeat. "One day, I'll get you to have a meal with Elias in the room."

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