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I walk into Jitters and I see Barry, Felicity, and Oliver whispering to each other. I turn around to leave, but I hear Barry call my name. "What do you want, Allen?"

"Just a reminder, I defended the vigilantes," Barry states. "Plus, we have a lead on the meta."

"Aren't I too dark to take on a case in Central City?" I ask sarcastically.

"Just listen to Oliver," Barry pushes me towards the table and Oliver leans towards me.

"His name is, Roy G. Bivolo," Oliver informs.

"Please tell me you didn't shoot someone to get the answer," I beg, already knowing the answer. Oliver looks away, "Of course you did."

"Wait, I thought you didn't want to help," Barry states.

"Barry, it's just a name," Oliver corrects.

"Alright," I nod as Iris comes in with two mugs filled with coffee.

"Hey," Iris greets. "One nonfat latte, extra sugar, for Felicity. And one coffee, black, for Oliver. I brewed you a fresh pot, so...."

Dear god, this is why I don't introduce my friends to Oliver.

"Thank you," Oliver says with his arms crossed.

"Yeah.....Barry, can I talk to you for a minute?" Iris asks Barry as she drags him to the other side of the café.

"Instead of watching you two fight like a married couple, I'm going to go talk to Barry and Iris," I explain as I walk towards Barry and Iris.

"He's on my three list," Iris gushes.

"What's a three list?" Barry asks.

"A three list is three guys she's a loud to cheat on Eddie with. One is Oliver and the other two Iris made me swear not to tell," I explain.

Iris nods, "Exactly. Usually you don't meet people on your list but now here he is, and  just cannot stop staring at him." Iris turns towards me, "What's your three list?"

"Um...I don't have one. I haven't really thought about it that much, but I know Oliver is not one of them because he's like my big brother," I inform them before Oliver heads towards us.

Barry and I walk towards him, leaving Iris behind, and Oliver says, "Okay."

"Okay, what?" I ask cheekily since I actually know what he's implying.

"Okay, we'll help you guys catch your bad guy," Oliver explains as I mentally squeal.

"Great. 'Metahuman,'" Barry corrects.

"Yeah, I'm not calling him that, Barry," Oliver states as I smile

"I figured," I add in.



"Where's Riley?" I ask at the warehouse where I met up with Oliver the other day.

"She'll be coming later. I got Felicity to distract her as I train you first," Oliver explains.

"Okay, but how do we catch Bivilo here?" I ask as I look around the abandoned area.

"Oh, no, we don't here," Oliver says making me confused. "We're here to train."

"But we have a training room," I explain.

"Barry, Riley has taught you how to fight physically, but Riley knows it takes a lot more than that," Oliver informs. "I read your friend Iris's blog post on the Flash, before Riley joined. And I've visited all the crime scenes you have fought at."

"Don't you sleep?" I ask.

"Last month, you and Riley took on Leonard Snart," Oliver states the obvious.

"We call him Captain Cold," I explain.

"We can talk about you giving your enemies silly code names later," Oliver snaps.

"You mean like over coffee with Deathstroke and the Huntress?" I ask sarcastically.

Oliver faces me, "The point is that you engaged Snart on a commuter train, which he derailed. Then I heard that you were arguing with Riley on does what job, when you could've done it a lot faster instead having Riley unconscious."

"Okay, there may have been some damage, but we got the job done. We were the heroes," I explain.

"Barry, when you approach a new environment, do you case every inch of it?" Oliver asks. "You could, you have the time. But you don't. The reason Riley said she would fight Snart was because she was properly trained in physical fighting and she was the closest one to him, you already had your speed down. You run in blind, Barry!" Oliver yells to me as he walks to the field. "There's a difference between having powers and having precision."

I follow him to the field, "When I came to you thinking about helping people, you said I could be an inspiration."

Oliver grabs his bow and one arrow, "Living this life well, it takes more than a mask. It takes discipline. And since you are probably as stubborn as I am--"

I point at the bow and arrow, "What's that for?"

Oliver gives me a cold look, "You're going to run over there..." Point a few yards away, "'re gonna come back, and you're gonna get hit with an arrow."

I chuckle at is accusation, "No, I'm not."

"Heh, heh," his face turn serious again. "Yes you are."

"Okay, fine. I will humor you," I state as I super speed to where Oliver told me to. I put my hands around my mouth and yell, "Ready!" Oliver aims his arrow at me and shoots, of course, I catch it and smile, "Nice try." I hear a click and three sharp pains course through my back, I scream in pain, "Gah!! What, you shot me?!"

Oliver stands behind me, "I heard you heal fast."

Oliver yanks the three arrows out of my back ad I scream again, "AHH!!! Oh god."

Oliver pushes me out of the way, reloads the crossbows, and gets back to the postion ready to shoot. "Riley is coming. Shut up."

"Hey gu--" Before she could finish, Oliver shot at her and she caught. Then I hear the click of the crossbow, and she grabs all of the arrows in one swoop and throws them at me. One pierced my ankle.

"Ahh!!" I fall to the ground in pain.

"Oh please, I've been shot so many time and I didn't even have super healing," Riley brags as she rips the arrow out of my ankle. "I'm kinda embarrassed to say I trained him. Oh, and sorry I'm late. Felicity need help with the boomerang."

Remind me why I fell for her again?

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