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After hours of trying to map out any location where Caitlin could possibly be, I give up and throw my Central City map across the room.

"Where are you, Caitin?!" I shout, tugging at my hair in frustration.

Before I can throw anything else, the tv catches my attention and I see Caitlin being held by the man with the fire gun and Snart on the screen and Snart says, "Greeting, citizens of Central City. I am Leonard Snart, but you can call me Cold. I'm gonna make this very simple for everyone. Those red streaks you've been hearing whispers about. The two mysteriously saving people these past months? Well, suprise, they're real. One calls himself the Flash, the other remains nameless. Porter and Maine. Tonight. Sundown. Come out, come out, wherever you are. Show the whole worls you're real." Snart looks at Caitlin and then back at the camera, "Or this women dies."

"No, don't come for me," Caitlin protests, trying to get out of the fire man's death grip. "Stay away. He'll hurt--"

The stream ends and anger rises through my body, Not Caitlin.


"How could we let this happen?!" I ask, pacing around the cortex. "We're suppose to be the fastest people alive, but we were too slow to get one of our friends!"

Barry puts his arms on my shoulder, "Riley, we're going to get Caitlin back, but you have to calm down a tad."

I get really close to Barry's face and we lock eyes, "Don't ever tell me to be calm when my friend's life is at risk."

"I get that, I really do," Barry explains. "But in order to get Caitlin back, we need to focus and be calm and make rational decisions."

I take a deep breath in and I exhale, "Okay...."

Barry's phone starts to go off and he immediately answers, "Hey." After the person on the other line says a few words, Barry sighs, "Thanks." Barry glances at me, asking if I'm ready fro this and I nod. "We'll see you soon."

"You ready for this?" I ask Barry as we both walk up to our suits.

"Ready as I'll ever be," Barry answers.

I smirk a tad, "Let's get Caitlin back."

We super speed into our suits and speed over to the location Snart and Mick gave us. We cut through policemen, breaking the police tape, letting them know that we exist, before we come to a stop.

Barry and I turn towards the police officers as they stare at us in awe, before any of the officers could say anything, Snart's voice comes from behind, "The scarlet speedsters." We turn around to see Snart and Mick with their guns at the ready, "Any preferences on how you two would like to die? The flame? Or the frost?" We stay silent as we walk closer to the evil pair, "Not in the mood for chit chat. Gotcha. Ready when you are."

Right when Snart and Mick are about to shoot, we speed over to the other side, behind a stray police car.

"I got Mick," I state into the com. "You get Snart. We got to get them to cancel each other out."

"On it," Barry says, speeding towards Snart and I Mick.

As I dodge Mick's fire, I hear Barry scream and I look over to see he crashed into ice caused by Snart.

"Flash? Flash? Are you okay?" I ask, pressing on my com.

"Yeah," Barry pants. "We got a job to do, cancel out the beams!"  Barry tries to speed towards me, but stops and winces, he presses his com, "Yeah, not as easy as it sounds."

After dodging and running away from their shots, Barry runs down a building, onto the pavement, and gets shot by Snart's freeze gun.

"Flash!" I yell, running after him with all the speed in me.

I get to Barry, but before I can get him up, the same freezing cold rays that I remember not so long ago, hit my back and I fall to the ground.

Barry and I got to look up and we see both of Snart and Mick's guns pointing at us, my eyes widen in fear. They go to shoot at us, but Eddie swoops in with his new shield and blocks the blast.

"Hold on!" Eddie yells. "I got this! Go, go, go!"

I grab Eddie and speed him over to the other side to keep him safe, then I go to where Barry is standing, trying to keep my balance.

"We can't get them to cross streams. Speed isn't getting it done," Barry explains to Wells.

"You're right," Wells agrees. "Maybe the way to do this is not by going faster."

"It's going slower," I explain, realizing what Wells is trying to say to us.

"Yes," Wells states.

"Flash, I'm sorry..." I trail off and he furrows his eyebrows at me, I give him sympathetic eyes before breaking his leg.

"Ahh!" Barry screams, holding his leg as I speed in between Snart and Mick, both rays on me. "Streak, no!"

Huh, I guess I could go by that again.

I walk closer an closer the middle, screaming in pain but I know that if I don't fight through the pain, even more people can get hurt. So I go through the extreme heat and cold, but before long, I speed away and the guns render useless. Snart goes to grab his gun, but I step on it and he stops to look up at me.

Snart lets out a chuckle, "I didn't see that coming. Mm, I guess you two win this time."

"There won't be a next time," I growl as Eddie comes up to us with a gun pointed at Snart. I use my speed to mess with my voice, "Thank you, detective."

Using my super speed, I grab Barry and head back to S.T.A.R. Labs to get us all bandaged up and ready to go home.

We did it, we got another bad guy.


Barry and Riley are working together again! And they're not avoiding each other! Does this mean Riley and Barry still have a winning chance? Only time will tell!

This is CC, over and out!

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