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I sit in my apartment with my pajamas on, Rocky Road in my hands, and The Purge: Anarchy on TV. Living the life of a normal twenty-four year old woman.....I wish. But for now, I'm acting like one.


"Ugh," I groan before I pause the movie and pick up the phone, "hello."

"Riley!" Cisco screams through the phone, "we need you! Like right now! Like now, now!"

I sigh, "I told you Cisco, I'm not going to play hero. It's not me, and never will be."

You know you miss it, my conscious states.

"I know you did, but you're going to have to, Barry can't beat Clyde Mardon without you. Mardon is stronger, and willing to kill for what he wants. So I'm begging you, please help us," Cisco begs.

"I'll be there as soon as I can, which is now," I end the call, change my pajama pants into leggings and speed off to S.T.A.R Labs, "do you guys have a ski mask or something to hide my face? Even a hoodie would work."

Cisco smirks, "We got something a whole lot better for you." I give him a confused look, "just follow me, quickly we don't have much time."

Cisco leads me to his little workspace area and shows me one of the most beautiful suits I've ever laid eyes on. "Y-you made me a s-suit? Even after I said no."

"We thought you would come around. Now, quickly Barry is getting his ass handed to him," Cisco says while trying to shoo me.

I quickly change into the glorious suit and run out of S.T.A.R. Labs, but I realize I have no clue where I'm going, "alright, where the hell are they?"

"They're at a farm west of Central City," Cisco says through the comm. "When you get there, do exactly what Barry is doing."

"On my way," I say as I take a sharp right and head towards the farm.

 "Wait! Who's on their way?" Barry asks through the comm. I hear a muffle crash, "speaking during a fight was a mistake, I see that now."

I don't say anything as I slide to a stop to see a massive tornado and Barry running around it before my very eyes. Oh boy. "How's Barry's vitals looking?"

"His body can't handle all of this," Caitlin says with panic in her voice, "get in there now. With you there it will even it out."

I follow orders and start running around the tornado, going a bit faster than Barry. "It's not working," I yell since the tornado is still very much in tacked. Inside the tornado, Mardon sees what we're trying to do and throws lightning at the both of us, throwing us away from him.

"W-we can't do this, it's too strong," Barry confesses as we start to stand up. All of a sudden, the tornado gets even bigger that it already was. "You kidding me?"

"Riley and Barry, you can do this," Dr. Wells encourages catching  Barry and I off guard. "You were right, Barry. I am responsible for all of this. So many people have been hurt because of me. And when I looked at both of you, all I saw was another potential victim of my hubris. And yes, I created this madness. But both of you, you guys can stop it. You guys can do this, but you need to work with each other. Now run, Riley and Barry. Run!"

We both look at each other and together we ran around the tornado without leaving each other, together we can do this. I could feel the electricity coursing through me as I ran faster than I thought possible. I hear Mardon scream as the tornado unravels into nothingness, point Barry and Riley. Barry and I collapse on the ground catching our breaths. Barry's mask flew off, where mine, luckily, stays on. We did it.

"Riley? Barry?" Caitlin calls seeing if we were okay.

"Hey!" Mardon grabs our attention and aims a gun at us. "I didn't think there was anyone else like me."

"We're not like you," I snap. "You're a murderer."

Mardon is about to pull the trigger when someone starts shooting Mardon until he's lying dead on the ground. Okay, what? Barry and I turn around to see Detective Joe West running towards us. "Barry? Riley?" Caitlin calls again.

I press on the ear piece, "it's over."

"We're okay," Barry assures.

I grab Barry and hug him with all the strength I had left, "we did it."

Joes finally gets to us, and then kneels in front of Barry. I speed off because I feel like they need a  moment to talk since Joe just saw what Barry can do.


I enter the Cortex in normal clothes and the suit in my hand, I put it on the desk Cisco gives a confused look, "what're you doing?" 

I sigh giving Cisco a grateful look, "thank you Cisco for making this incredible suit, but I won't be needing it." Cisco gives me a sad look as I start to tear up, "it was incredible fighting Mardon, but it's not for me....not anymore. I'm sorry if this isn't what you wanted to hear, good bye. For good."

Ya, so that happened.......

In case you were wonder in, here's Riley's suit(her hair is down though):

In case you were wonder in, here's Riley's suit(her hair is down though):

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The next chapter will be a couple weeks from the fight with Mardon.....Felicity might take a little visit.

Until next time, this is C.C. over and out!

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