Chubby with Braces

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"Chase! " I whispered softly due to my brain not knowing how to process this information right now. I thought that I said his name in a hushed tone but I was stunned by his reply.

"My friends call me CJ but you calling me by my first name sounds erotic! " with a wink I might add. "How did you know me, babe? Oh I know, who wouldn't? Anyway, what's your name? You new here? "

He sounds too narcissistic that I want to crush his ego. To think that I like this brute! So, what did I do? Give him a dose of his own medicine. I pushed him hard on the chest but not too much I might add. With a steady voice, I said this to his face. " I'm Labyrinth and no I'm not new here. " I walked passed him brushing his shoulder on purpose going to my class.

"FYI, we've been schoolmates since third grade," I added coldly as I am 5 feet ahead of him. I was amused by his expression because he seemed so shock. Hehehe... 1 point for me, zero for Chase. Ha! Take that.

Yes, we've been schoolmates since 3rd grade. And I know that he will not remember me because who would remember the girl who is always by her self. Some called me nerdy, some bullied me for my braces and some just ignored me for my chubby face. Yes diary, I am that girl. Nerd because I have these glasses big for me to wear, I am chubby for my age and I wear those braces in my teeth. In high school, though I lost the extra pounds, still, the name remains.

Chase, on the other hand, seems the opposite of me. From 3rd grade when he transferred to our school, he is the center of everyone's attention. He is mischievous because of his pranks that sometimes girls are crying because of him. He even has fought with boys in our school and a constant visitor in the principal's office and nurse's station.

My crush started when we were in 7th grade because of an unexpected event which leads to him being my knight in shining armor. Benson Wilde, the school's bully, and his minions cornered the small me in the corridor asking for my assignment in Math. Being a nerd doesn't mean that I love math, in fact, I hate it. I focused more on this subject because I sucked and almost got a C.

As he was about to strike me, someone shouts yelling them to stop. And who is my knight, it is Chase. To make it short, he helped me and threatened the bullies to never appear before me. When he looked at me, I said my throaty "thank you" never looking at his face. He just shrugged his shoulder and said nothing, then walk away. From then on, I watched him from afar.

I know he will not remember me because I changed myself little by little. I went to school with my hair loose not the usual messy bun, my baggy shirt is ditched to t-shirts although I retain my glasses.

That school break I went to my Aunt Marie's (sister of my mom) place in the next town and had a blast with my fave cousin Ella. We shopped, went to parties (which I do not like but obligated to went to) she taught/lectured me on how to dress in different occasions and on how to do my make up.

We do from simple things (watched late-night movies and pig out foods) to crazy things (biking, mountain climbing, zip-lining and enrolled our selves in taekwondo and Muay Thai lessons) that summer. Hence, I became fitter and more open to some although I much prefer to stay in my house, read free books in Wattpad, surf the net, be a lurker on Facebook or just listen to music.

Now back to Chase, as I am in my last period which is Chemistry, a boy near the door (I think his name is Jude or John) passed a paper to me. I read what was written in the paper and I immediately know whom it came from. Him. The curt,

"We have to talk cupcake. After class perhaps? -CJ".

I immediately hide the note in my bag and think of why he needs to "TALK" to me. The hours passed and as the bell rung signaling the end of class I immediately bolt out in my seat and sprint/jogged to the parking lot and to my car, drove to my house as if the devil is after me.

Diary, I know that it is cowardly of me to run but I am not just prepared to see and talk to him. With those brooding eyes, I may embarrass myself in front of him. I need some time to prepare myself so that when he talked again with me, I am cool and prepared for him.

Time to park my pen because Mom will be here any minute ready to tuck me in bed. I'm a big girl now but sometimes she didn't notice it but hey I don't mind. I love our little chat. I think it's just her way of checking out on me. Hehehe...


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