Official and Washboard Abs

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Dear Diary,

Is this what it feels like when being in love? I have mixed emotions right now that whoever saw me will think that I'm going crazy.

I am very happy and feels like I'm in cloud nine. The world seems bright and beautiful and the smile on my face never broke down even though Cole pointed out numerous times that he thinks that I'm going nuts. Cliché right?

After the garden incident, the guys immediately caught up that there's something going on between us when every after class Chase would walked me up to my next class, hands intertwined and the give away was our smile and googly eyes.

After class, we went to Dee's Diner and there we announced to the group that we're an item. The announcement earned us squeals (from the girls including Alex), bro hug from the guys and congratulations.

To my amazement, the twins Juno and Jess made a bet while the other boys have their sides and place a bet too. I guess Juno's side (including Ben, Alex, Corben, and EJ) wins because of their bragging. I just learned that they are 100 bucks richer!

The girls have their bets too but not like the boys where it involved money. We just laughed at their antics and ate till our tummies are full.

Chase drove me to my house and he greets my parents a good night when they all barge outside our door as his car parked in the driveway. Its as if they knew that we are arriving and its as if they know something happened to us.

We walked to the door and I hugged my mom, dad, and Cole. Next, Chase has hugged my mom and said something to his ears that made him smile and nod. Dad came next and Chase shakes his hand and does the bro hug with Cole. My mom ushered us inside and we sat in the living room. I was ready to tell them that Chase is now my boyfriend when mom (the drama queen) shocked me by what she said.

"So, are you officially a couple now?" Mom looked at us curiously while clasping both her hand as if praying.

"How did you know mom? It was just earlier that he asked me and yet, you already know?" I was shocked as mom knew already what my good news was.

"Call it mother's instinct. Actually, do you remember when the guys first came here and your dad had a one-on-one with Chase?" I remembered the events well and I just nod.

"Well, we talked about you and let's just say that he convinced me to let you date him. I guess he just moves fast that in just one date you are officially a couple now." Dad looked at Chase and nod his head while Chase intertwined our hands and squeeze mine softly.

"As if she's capable of saying no! It's her ultimate dream to-" Cole rolled his eyes while looking at me playfully. Being near his seat, I immediately smacked his head and a loud 'ouch!' came from him makes us laugh.

"Aww, is it true sweetpea?" Chase playfully pinched my cheeks while I know it resembles a ripe tomato. I elbowed him which came out strong that's why he whine and feigned being hurt.

Being me, I immediately lift his shirt to inspect for bruises and I felt his stomach (washboard abs) unintentionally of course but Cole freaking Edmund Mason strikes again. Dad and mom are into something too.

"Eww, get a room, you guys! Please keep it PG will you, a child in this room is present!?" He pointed to himself with his right hand while his left hand was covering his eyes.

Dad cleared his throat awkwardly while mom gushed like a fangirl that she is. Then, the awkward me strikes.

"Huh? Cole wha-? No! I was just- Mooomm! Daaddd! Ugh!" I just crossed my arms, pout my lips and stuck my tongue out at Cole. I'm sure my cheeks got crimson red due to embarrassment.

"Pumpkin, if you want to feel my abs, next time just ask okay?" Chase winked at me playfully while Mom and Dad just laugh at our childishness.

See, moments like these are memorable ones that I will treasure for the rest of my life.

After an hour of bonding, Chase bid goodnight and I ushered him outside but before we got out on our door he spun around and he stopped me from walking.

"So.. I already met your parents and I think it's about time that you meet mine. Actually, you've been invited to our house this coming Saturday. We will be having a family dinner so I'm hoping that you'll be my plus one! Say yes bubblegum?" He was so nervous that he rubs his nape continuously while I stood straight as a rod. My mom who was at ears length heard this and screamed loudly.

"OMG! You two are so adorable." Mom gushed and run to my dad and whispers something in his ear which makes dad smiled and nod.

I was still transfixed that a minute had passed (but feels like an hour) that I just nod my head when Chase asked me again.

"I take that as a yes then. See you tomorrow cupcake!" He then kissed my forehead and pinched my cheek playfully.

I just stood there by the door while a lot of things came to me at once.

Mom was observing me that she wakes me up from my self monologue.

"Meeting the parents for the first time is somewhat stressful. All I will tell you is that be your self and everything will fall into places." My mom hugged me and I hugged her back.

"And what's with the pet names?" I just rolled my eyes at my mom's sharp observation.

The pet names? I didn't have the time to ask either. I'll ask him next time we're together.


* * * * *

    I know it's short but I'm just preparing the scene for the next chapter.✌
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Lany  🐇

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