Ants and Danielle Steel

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Dear Diary,

The next day, I woke up earlier than I used to so I haul my self off the bed and decided to jog around the neighborhood. My parents and brother were still in bed because the house is quiet as I descended the stairs. Grabbing my phone and my headphone, I exited the house and start to stretched my body in preparation to jog. I decided to take the route to the nearest park where I passed houses, a cafe, then I turn right and headed straight to the park. As I was about to reached the park, I noticed a small body haunched on the bushes at its entrance.

As I go nearer, I noticed that it is a small boy, I ignored that figure because the thought that he had companion and will be there anytime soon comforts me. But more or less 30 minutes passed and as I was about to head home, I noticed that the small boy is still in his original position. My curiosity got me so I inched forward and asked the boy.

"Hi!" The boy jumped up ten feet (exagged much) from his position because of fright.

"I'm sorry I startled you but are you okay? What cha doin'? Do you have company? " I mimicked Isabella's voice in Phineas and Ferb and put my you-can-trust-me smile while examined the boy closely. He maybe 7 to 9 years old, blue eyes with thick eyeglasses, cute button nose, and his hair is cut short plastered in his head.

"It's okay. I'm observing something" he chortled loudly and asked me, "Isabella? "

"No, Abby. What's your name and what are you observing? Maybe I can help" grining widely. He got my inside joke easily, this means he also watched cartoons most likely Phineas and Ferb.

"I'm Bryce and I am observing the ants for my science project. According to Ms. Miller, we will observe a colony of ants in their habitat." He explains without looking at me and focuses on the ants behind the bush.

"Oh. And what did you observed so far? " I asked curiously.

He scrunched his nose while thinking and directed his gaze at me as if a light bulb flash in his head.

"Did you know that ants lived in a colony? In every colony there are three types of ants. The queen, the female worker and the male." He said this facts teacher-like to me.

"Cool! We have little Einstein here have we."I jokingly said to him while smiling.

"By the way, do you have companion here with you? I spotted you earlier when I entered the park and I don't see someone watching over you." I added while searching someone from left to right.

"I am alone but don't worry my parents know that I am here. I live in that house." He pointed at the house with red tiled roof three houses down the park.

"They can see me from there and I am a big boy now. I don't need a chaperon" he said brightly.

"Well in that case, I will be going now coz I have school. See you around Einstein Bryce. " then I wink.

"Bye Abby." He waved. Then I hurriedly went back to my house to prepare to go to hell, I mean school.

School. Newville High. Cliché I know. Let me tell you about this hell hole. There are three "groups" of students in this school.

First, the "populars"; as the word entails, it consists of popular students. From jocks, players of different sports from basketball, baseball, lacrosse (you name it, we have it) up to the cheering bitch squad.

Next, the "unpopulars"; consists of nerds, delinquents and rejects as what they called. I fall in this category as they called me names such as nerd and geek.

Lastly, the "mixed"; consisting of exchanged students from different country. This means that they can be popular or unpopular. They are called the "in-between".
So much for discrimination huh?

I don't know who invented this groups but as you watched from the sideline, you will see the discrimination as thick as a block. Even in the cafeteria, gym, and everywhere in the campus, you can see where are the populars should be sitted or the unpopulars or the mixed because of flock of groups.

Anyway, diary I will be going to school for now coz any minute Dad will honk his car for me to get my lazy butt in the car and drives us to school. I will update you later. 😘


....that same day

Dear Diary,

OMG! Guess what? When I arrived at school this morning, there was something in the air that I can't comprehend. Some students looked at me as if I had three heads instead of one! What have I done? I hate attention. That's why I fixed my hoodie close to my self and headed fast to my locker to fetch my book.

As I closed my locker I was shocked that behind my locker stood no other than Mandy Evans, the school's queen bee I mean queen bitch. Long blond straight hair, 5'8 in height, with big watermelons called boobs and a slutty cheering uniform to top it all.

"So nerd, I heard that you are interested in CJ. Is it true? " she bombard me with this question without looking at me. She's much more interested in her nail polish and her hair.

"No! This is just an understanding. I was.. " I immediately shut up. I was fuming inside. How dare her to insinuate on something she just heard. And what it is to her if Chase is interested in me. Oh I know, she is one of the girls who constantly flirt with him but to no avail.

"No. I am not interested in him. Excuse me I have a class. "Just my short reply so that I can get her behind my back. But as I passed her, her high pitched voice held an icy tone while saying to me.

"Better be. If you set eyes on him, I will see to it that your remaining time here will be MUCH more exciting and pleasurable. " She squinted her eyes and flip her hair while brushing my shoulder when she passed at me. I definitely knows what exciting and pleasurable means in her dictionary and I grimaced. So much for staying in the sideline. Phew!

Time and classes passed and lunch time arrived. I went to the library to avoid everyone's attention and probably Chases'. I was reading Danielle Steel's Message in Nam. I was in the scene where Paxton Andrews was looking for Tony Campobello when someone knocked in front of my book. I was so engrossed that I haven't noticed that someone sit himself in front of me. I jerked my eyes forward and guess who? Brown eyes meet blue eyed Chase fucking Foxx! be continued...

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