Knock, knock... Who's there?

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Brown eyes meets blue-gray eyes. He knocked again in front of me and said,

"Knock knock" showing his signature smirk and those cute left side dimple.

I'm contemplating on what would I do. Should I went back in reading my book and gave him the silent treatment or should I head out and run from the library and avoid him or should I exchanged banter with him. Well I've chosen the last option so that he will think that he can't affect me in anything or what so ever.

"Who's there?" I crossed my arms in my chest and crossed my leg. Giving him my monotone voice and look straight at him. He momentarily shut his mouth. He must be shocked that I talked to him.

"Hawaii." The mischievous twinkling of his eyes came back.

"Hawaii who?" Again the monotone.

"I'm very well, thank you so much, and Hawaii you?" He laughed heartily and we got shushed by the librarian and some students there. He shut up abruptly when he noticed that I am quiet and didn't shared his joke. I masked my emotion well even though deep inside I joined his laughter.

You see diary, one of my weaknesses is I can easily laughed at simple jokes. I just remembered the recent jokes my family shared last night while we are eating our supper. My father goes first.

"Knock, knock." While eating his spaghetti with gusto. Me and Cole immediately replied with "who's there?".

He looked around us three: mom, me and Cole and said "COWS GO". Then the three of us replied with "COWS GO WHO?" with expectant faces and some smudge on Cole's face because of the spaghetti. "NO IDIOTS, COWS GO MOOO!" we laughed happily and heartily.

You see diary, that's why I love my family. The camaraderie, the jokes, the foods and the love. Some families said that they are silent when it comes to eating but my family is not. My parents see to it that the table is lively and no dull moments.

Then Cole's cue. "I have one! Knock, knock!".

"Who's there?"

"Kanga" he smiled. "Kanga who?" we chorused.

"Actually, it's Kangaroo." We laughed our hearts out. The supper passed with more banter of jokes, foods and laughter.

I got out of my reverie when Chase snapped his fingers in front of my face. "Hey, you zoned out. You alright?"

"Yah. I'm good." I drawled with a bored tone.

"I'm sorry for what happened the other day. I know I made a mistake there. My bad. We start at a wrong foot and I just want to let you know that I'm sorry" he explained while touching his nape feeling embarrassed.

"Is that the way you got your girls? Don't you remember me at all? I mean as one of your schoolmate? As I remember, we we're classmates in other subjects since 3rd grade." I asked him curiously.

"To tell you honestly, no. I just got to know your name when that incident happened. I asked my friends if they know you and all they said is your name and they also confirmed that we've been schoolmates since 3rd grade" he said admittedly. It hurts me in a way but I masked my emotion well. Anyway, it's what I hoped for, my anonymity.

"Then what about that incident? You just grabbed and hugged me not to mention the things you've said" I asked.

"That's why I gave you the note that afternoon to say sorry and since you got MIA (missing in action) after school so I looked for you today during lunch."

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