Hiding Place, A Horror Story and Diabetes

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Dear Diary,

    For the next couple of days, I successfully avoided the boys like they have cooties. Being invisible, I know every nooks and corner of the school; where the cliché groups are found (hallways, canteen, lockers, and gym), where the best quiet place in the campus be found (Library - Archive Section, Arts room, and Chem lab), a place where nobody knows and nobody is allowed but me (Rooftop Botanical Garden) and where all are afraid because of a haunted story (backstage changing room).

     You see diary, I've visited all of them constantly before. I found peace and serenity in these places where I'm away from everyone. My most favorite place is the rooftop/garden where I am friends with our resident janitor Mr. Roland that's why he gave me access to the garden.

     We've been friends since freshman year when I found him leaning on the stairs to the rooftop. I noticed that students just passed him by not noticing his pained expression. I helped him to the nurse's station and from then on we've been friends.

      Sometimes I've brought flower seeds for him to plant, sometimes we just ate our lunch and sometimes I just do my unfinished homework, read or practice my guitar skills (which I'm good at) and painting skills (which I suck at).

      Back to the boys, I know I'm avoiding them but I just want to reflect and be on my own bubble. It's just, what's been happening to me is fast. The hardest part is avoiding Ken which is in my class. When the bell rang, I immediately bolted in my seat that Usain Bolt may felt shy in my action, beating all of them. Even my teacher stares at me weirdly as I quickly take a glance at his direction. Chase and Alex, on the other hand, are easy to hide from.

      The next day at lunch, as I was at my other secret hiding place which is the changing room behind the stage,  I was sure no one will find me here because every student is afraid of this place because of a rumor that a student died exactly in that place.

     I was munching my sandwich while reading The Firm by John Grisham when a loud bang of the opened door and my shriek echoed through the place. My half-eaten sandwich fell to the ground, my water bottle poured its contents out and my book got wet in the process.

      A guffaw of laughter boomed while the four boys enter the room. I shoot them my most menacing look while standing and crossing my arm.

    "What are you doing here!" I asked angrily looking at their faces.

    "We are looking for you, honey," said Chase who copied my action. Alex, on the other hand, came to me and gave me a side hug. So now he calls me honey huh?

    "Abby, are you hiding from us? What wrong did we do?" He put his head on my shoulder while tightening his hold. Chase on the other hand glare at him and looking at his hand and head that are into me.

    "Dude, relax. He's harmless." Noah puts his hand on Chase's shoulder noticing his aggravated stance. Ken, on the other hand, came near my table and lifted my book.

    "The Firm by John Grisham. I like your taste in books. It's soaked with water." He wiped the water from the book and handed it to me.

    "Shit! It's freakin soaked!" I mumbled loudly and much to my mumbling a chorused of 'wow' came from the boys while Alex clapped his hand idiotically.

    "I never pegged you to swear munchkin but seriously it's cute," Chase smirked while the others just nod their heads. So now its munchkin huh?

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