The Date

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    "Abby, get up. Its 10 am already. Tell me all the deets. Now!"  Marie shakes me hard that I stumbled down my bed with my tangled sheet at my feet.

   "Jeez, woman. You are ruining my dream." I groan out loud and kicked the sheet away from me.

STOP! Hold it right there...

Who: with Marie
Where: my room
When: Sunday morning at 10 am
What: me being wakened up from my sleep
Why: because she wants to know the details of my date last night

     Let me rewind and back you up from the date, yeah?

   Diary,  last night was my best night ever! Let me tell you the accounts of what happened last night.

   As we reached his car, he opened the door and reached out for a bouquet of flowers - daisies and carnation to be specific. I'm just glad that he didn't give me roses because roses are overrated. I like roses but I prefer daisies, carnation, and lily. I don't know how he knows my favorite flower but I don't voice it out.

  "For you milady. I know that I didn't give them to you at your house because I want to give them to you here in my car. And because I forgot due to my nervousness. Hehe," He faked a southern accent as he grins and I just laughed at his horrible yet cute accent.

  "Thank you, kind sir and I understand." I smiled brightly as he motioned me to get in the car.

  "So where are we going?" I asked him as we buckled our seat belts and headed out to somewhere.

  "It's a secret. You'll know once we arrive and no I will not tell you any clue." He smiled cheekily as he caught my expression that I was to add something in his reply.

   He opened the radio and looked for a station and settled on one playing James Arthur's Say You Won't Let Go. We welcome our silence comfortably and just listen to the song. We sometimes caught looking at each other and every time our eyes met we smiled.

  I mouthed every word of the lyrics as he sang quietly. I was moved by the music as much as his melodic voice.

  "I love that song and its meaning. It's deep and has sense. I love his voice too." Chase looked at me and smile while I was caught mouthing the lyrics.

  "Me too. It's in my playlist." I looked at him in awe as he nods his head and continues singing. Four songs and twenty minutes later,  we came to stop at our destination.

  It was a classy yet homey restaurant situated in a quiet and secluded place. The facade of the building has trees with hanging yellow lights in it, the walls of the building have veins in it which adds to the country looked in it.

    Upon entering, the first thing you'll notice is the big chandelier hanging in the center of the place. It has an open door that leads outside where some of the tables are to be seen.

    Tables and chairs are arranged nicely and away from others to gave privacy and intimacy. As we are ushered to our table outside, I noticed that the room inside is packed with couples and families. Outside has an open space with flowers everywhere. I guess its a garden that turned into another space for customers.

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