To Infinity and Beyond!

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Chapter 9

Dear Diary,

   Now that Cole knows who Chase is, he is annoying me to the highest level. From a scale of one to ten,  he got a perfect score. He is so annoying!!! Why Diary? For so many reasons.

   First,  it's as if I gave him a reason to have a blackmail piece against me. Second,  when we are alone or when no one is watching,  his oh-I-have-some-dirt-on-you smirk is ever-present. And third, his subtle yet not so subtle dropping of Chase's name when we were in a family discussion or when we are eating.

   For example, last night when I was done with my dishes I passed my parents and Cole in the living room watching a movie.

"Guys, I'm off to bed." I half-run/hop to the stairs and guess what my squirt of a brother said?!

"I'll chase you later!" His loud scream echoed in the living room and I haltered my step a bit when I heard the hard way he said 'it'.

You know that I love him right but right now, I am imagining things on how to squished him like lice on Ms. Gertrude's (our spinster neighbor) dog. Gross, I know...

  Anywho, the days passed and I heard that Mandy is called in the principal's office in regards to what happened during our PE class. She had a whole month of detention because of what she did to me. Her punishment is very light compared to what could have happened if I hit my head very badly,  I might have a concussion or worst...

  I also have an encounter with the boys during that time. The next day Chase came to me during our vacant period and found me again in the library where I am finishing reading another book.

  Flirting words are thrown here and there but I am ever ready with my rebuttals. I also had encounters with 'the best friends' although one at a time just to check on me with regards with the incident.

  Diary,  when I am alone it became a habit of mine to reminisce the past, relive the events that are happening today and worst,  imagining my future. A habit that I find peaceful but sometimes unhealthy to my brain. In short,  I overthink!

   Like today,  I am reliving the things that are happening to me from the start of my senior year and compared them to last year. And guess what? These are the things I discovered:

1. Last year, I am that invisible girl in the background which no one knows of. This year, well I became a center of attention for once (the gym incident).

2. Last year,  I have no friends (pitiful I know) acquaintances maybe but this year, I am becoming FRIENDS with Chase and his group of friends (shocking,  I know).

3. Last year, Chase doesn't know me at all but this time around he is like 'Edward Cullen I know you' crap. You get me diary?

Anyways,  like I was saying, the best friends came to me either in the hallway (Noah),  in the class which we shared and he was shocked that we are classmates (that's Ken by the way) and in my favorite spot by the tree (Alex).

  Now, my favorite encounter is Alex which is so much fun. I learned a lot about him,  although I will not say that I am not pleased with the other encounters because I do,  but you know the feeling when we have already said what we have to say to each other and it became awkward? Yeah. Being the awkward me that is.

Take these for example: (in the hallway)

Noah: "Hi Abby"

Me: (gawking) "Hi" Voice like a whisper and I'm gawking at him because honestly, he is hot (not just like Chase of course) and I can't believe that he is talking to me.

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