The Footballers and the Girlfriends

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Dear Diary,

Replaying the events that happened to me is one of my favorite past time. Did I tell you that already? Well, the next day after the boys found me in the backstage changing room, after my Literature class, as I bolted to the door trying to escape them again, two hands gripped my arms. On the right was Alex and on the left was Chase.

"Where are you going cheesecake?" Chases' voice came to my ear as he steadied his grip on my arm.

Sweet as it may seem, I think that his pet names for me irked me up a bit. But I just ignored it because my patience is not on the end yet. Maybe he's just sweet like that or maybe he will call me again by my name or call me ONE pet name only.

"Ahm, I just.. I will.." I was thinking on an excuse but Ken on my back pushed me to the direction of the canteen so its as if I'm a convicted suspect with 2 cops on either of my sides and 1 at my back. I just sighed and go with what they want.

As Chase opened the door and we all went inside, the loud sound of murmuring and whispering from the students came to a halt and watched us with interest. Through the stillness and silence, I thought I can hear a pin that dropped and the buzz of a fly in the trashcan. One word...AWKWARD!

As they dragged me to their table, I noticed that most of the students have a shocked expression on their faces. You see, I don't come here to eat at all. Usually, I'm in one of my hiding places or in my usual spot which is the tree outside. I Imagine as they're shocked as the loner of the school is dragged by four of the most popular guys at the school.

We came to a stop at a long table that can hold up to 10 people max. There on the table sat his other close friends which are also in the 'popular group' and are his teammates. Then to my amazement, another table is dragged and the others dragged their sits to that table.

Chase sits me in one of the empty chairs and sat beside me and asked what I would be ordering while Alex and Ken sat on my left. I just shake my head and he strode to the counter to order.

After a minute he came back with slices of pizza, ham sandwich, and an apple pie. For the drink, he got orange juice and a can of cola. He ordered me to eat and I reluctantly grab the sandwich and the orange juice.

"Guys meet Abby. Abby to my right is Ben, Lena, Juno, Marie, Mikey, twins Janine and Junine, next to her is Jess, Beck, Corden, EJ. Next to Noah is Doris. Say hi guys! By the way, to state the obvious Jess and Juno are twins as well as Junine and Janine." Chase points the guys counter-clockwise while each person said their greetings to me. I just nod my head in acknowledgment too shy to say anything.

Of course, I know all of them but not personally. They are popular in our school duh! The guys, well they are footballers and the girls are the girlfriends.

The couples in the group are:
✒Doris and Noah
✒Ben and Lena
✒Mikey and Janine
✒Jess and Junine
✒Juno and Marie

Let me introduce you to the guys...

Benjamin "Ben" Fletcher. The goalkeeper of the team, 6'1, good looking guy. Imagine John Cena but less buff and muscley. Although he is a big and wide-shouldered guy, he has a soft look in his eyes. He has long and big hands which are appropriate for his position in the team.

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