Meet the Foxxs' (Part 2)

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I stood rooted and I know I looked shocked and petrified as his family is everywhere inside that room. His mom (I guessed correctly) came to my rescue and hugged me tightly.

"You must be Abby. Hello, I'm Debbie CJ's mom. Come inside dear and meet the rest of us." I looked at her closely and examined her profile like a curious mouse that I am. She had long blond wavy hair, delicate features, and the blue-gray eyes. She must be in her mid-30s but she still had the bottle figure one would die for. Its as if she doesn't have a teenage son, to begin with.

She grabbed my hand and ushered me to the chair where his grandma was sitting.

"Maria meet Abby, CJ's girl. The one we've been talking about?" His mom adds the last bit discreetly but I heard them nonetheless.

"Oh, mi Princesa (Oh, my princess). So nice to finally meet you! I'm Maria but you can call me Gran or Maria whichever you prefer." She put her hand forward gesturing me to give my hand and so I did. She felt my hand and tug it softly then hug me softly.

"Buenas Noches señora. Mi Nombre es Labyrinth pero puedes llamarme Abby." (Good evening Ma'am. My name is Labyrinth but you can call me Abby.) I'm just glad that I took Spanish last year that I can impress them somehow.

"Oh, sabes hablar español?" (Oh, you know how to speak Spanish?) Chase looked at me in awe as he gripped my hand tighter. I rolled my eyes at him and smirked.

"I aced mi AP Spanish el año pasado. (I aced my AP Spanish last year) That came out cocky but I don't mean to." They all laugh at my quicksave. I facepalmed mentally for my cockiness but I'm just being playful. I hope the audience caught it.

"We know dear. No me llames señora, solo la abuela lo hara. (Don't call me Ma'am, just grandma will do)." She looked at me smiling and I guess she liked me. Good right? He looked at Chase and said something that got my heart into a frenzy.

"Ella es la chica adecuada para ti Chase." (She's the right girl for you, Chase) I didn't hear what Chase said because her mom tugged my hand softly guiding us to the nearest table.

"Guys, meet Abby, CJ's girlfriend. Abby this is Uncle Vernon and his wife Izzy, my brother Dave and his wife Diana, my other brother Nick with his wife Janella, my husband sister Tamara with his third son TJ and her husband Theo, another sister Toni with his husband Kael and lastly their youngest brother Mike with his fiancée Veronica." A round of "hello", "hi" and "Welcome to the family" gets me so overwhelmed that I think my head will burst with names and faces to know.

Chase came back at my side and whispered softly in my ear. "Are you okay sugar?" I looked at him, nod and smile sweetly.

"Come with me, I'll introduce you to my cousins." We excused ourselves and went to the next room.

"Guys, I want you to meet Abby. Babe this is my cousins Dixie, Dione, and Dana from Uncle Dave and Aunt Diana. This is Jella and Tyrone from Uncle Nick and Aunt Janella. These triplets are Tatum, Travis and Troy and the baby that Aunt Tamara holding is TJ from Aunt Tamara and Uncle Theo. And this one is Kaye and Krishna from Uncle Kael and Aunt Toni." I was engulfed by small arms ranging from ages 13-3 that wants to hug me. I was so awed by their cuteness and bubbliness that I want to take them home with me.

"Chase, where's your father?" I hesitated in asking this question because maybe that's a sore topic to discuss but he just smiled and answer me.

"He picked up my sister Ezra from the airport because she will be coming home from Paris." He picked up the smallest cousin which is Krishna and cuddled her in his arms.

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