Home Visit and Nicknames

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Dear Diary,

   Today is Friday and its three days after the incident with Mandy and her minions. It is also three days when we had that bonding moment at the girl's bathroom.

  The next day I heard that Mandy had a heated confrontation with the girls - Marie, Lena, Doris, the twin Junine and Janine plus a lot of crowds. She was ganged up for what she did and if I were her I'm too embarrassed to be seen anywhere in school but being her, she held her head high. I just shook my head in pity. Yes, I feel pity for her because she's just blinded by misplaced jealousy.

    The group never left me alone by myself,  its either one or two of them sat with me or walked with me. Chase never leaves my side and its like I have my closed-in bodyguard. Not to mention the overly sweet nicknames he used at me which irked me up at its peak.

    Seriously I even have a list of nicknames he used and he didn't use it twice (aside from cupcake and babe) to call me. Amazing right? Here's the list.

   He called me gorgeous the first time we interacted with each other. Then cupcake and babe which he used 3 times, princess and then came the overly sweet pet names: honey,  munchkin, cheesecake, sugar, sweetie pie, honeybuns, jellybean, babycakes, sweetpea and lastly bubblegum! I don't hate using pet names between couples but with Chase, it somewhat irked me up.

   My heart and head had a disagreement with why I feel that way. My head said that I'm irked because he uses different nicknames for me and does not conform with just one nickname or better yet just my name. Simple right? But no!

  My heart said that I'm just jealous. Jealous for a fact that maybe there are others that he called by that sickening sweet nicknames! I'm just frustrated by myself right now.

  Anyway, the group never leaves me and I missed my hiding places especially the garden in the rooftop. I was dragged anywhere they went after school - hangout in the Di's Diner or Marie's house or one of the guys' houses (mansion).

  Yesterday, we've been hanging out at Marie's mansion where they have a lavishly manicured lawn, a huge garage, an Olympic swimming pool and a basement with arcade and all games possible with minibar at the side.

  The boys played billiards while some played COD at their Xbox while the girls just sat on the couch eating pizzas, chips and ice cream while watching a movie in their mini home theatre.

  Seriously! You can see fucking minis available inside that basement. Minibar, mini home theatre, a mini kitchen,  a 'mini-fridge' full of ice creams in different flavors and soda/alcohol in cans available and a lot of other minis available.

   I was overwhelmed with the attention that I am getting from the group while I try my best to overcome my difficulty in associating with them. Well, they made a big effort in including me in every conversation or game there is. And I observed that I'm warming up to them. Slowly and one step at a time.

  My parents? Was very glad that I'm socializing with my peers. They were glad that I am going out with others other than staying in my room watching Netflix or reading a book. The first time the group came to our house was an epic event.

  Wednesday, a day after the Mandy incident. After class, I headed home and I was in my hello kitty spaghetti-strapped top and short-shorts while bustling in the kitchen preparing for a snack while I was doing my home works. My mom was preparing for our supper while my dad and Cole were in the living room watching a football game when the doorbell rang.

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