Start of Something New

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Dear Diary,

After we talked out everything under that tree over the hill, we walked down to his car and to my amazement, the whole gang is there plus my cousin Ella.

I learned that after I run out from them, Alex punched Chase because he was pissed about Chase hurting me and keeping Liza matter a secret to the group.

They all looked everywhere for me thus the calls and messages I received. Chase came to my house while the others looked for me in places that we visited and that they thought I was.

When they knew were I am and that I was safe, they went to Marie's house and Chase tells them everything. After that, he came back home and tell his parents everything that happened and his mom was so devastated about the events. Liza's mom was so sorry that she begged Chase for forgiveness. They talked about going back to Canada and continue with their lives. Liza will be in therapy and with the help of her parents and her fiancée they hoped that Liza will be in no time remember everything.

Chase told me about the guy who was always on Liza's side. I didn't saw the guy who is sitting behind Liza during the match, or the guy who after Liza jumped in Chase's back picked her up and carry her to the bench inside the park, or on how hurt the guy after he saw Liza run and kissed Chase after the game. I guess I'm so focused on them alone that's why I didn't see the whole picture there.

When we came near to his car, I was welcomed with hugs and kisses from the group. Alex was the first one to came running towards me and hugged me tightly.

"Abby, thank God that you are okay. Please don't walk out on us like that huh? And please, please, please, pick up the phone for God's sake." He hugged me more tightly.

"Can't. Breath." He immediately stepped back and smiled at me innocently.

"Sorry Alex, guys, for making you worried and for not picking up any of you calls. At that time, I just want to be alone and-"

"Its alright girl. Although I was a bit mad about the not-picking-up-the-phone bit." Marie then hugged me tightly. I just nodded my head and then came the embrace of my friends.

The last to hug me is Ken. And yeah, I think that the player/bad boy of the boys got hooked for the beauty of my cousin Ella which to my amusement had her I'm-not-interested/bored look in her facade but knowing her, I saw that their feelings are mutual.

It's mid-morning and all of us had not yet eaten breakfast so we decided to ate at the diner who serves the best pancake in town. I learned that after Chase talked with his parents and to Liza's mom, he went to Marie's house and planned to bring me back.

Upon entering the diner, we are ushered to the family room where a large table was waiting and all of us are catered for.

"So guys this is my cousin Ella.." A chorus of 'hi!' came from guys and I directed my gaze to my friends.

"El, next to you is Ken, couples Noah and Doris, Mickey and Janine, her twin Junine and boyfriend Jess, the trio EJ, Corben, and Beck. Next is Lena and her boyfriend Ben, then Juno and girlfriend Marie and these two guys here are Chase and Alex." They all greet each other and the waitress arrived and get our order. After a while of getting to know each other, the food arrived and we ate.

"I miss you sweetie pie. A lot actually. When you run out like that, I thought that I lost you forever and it fucking hurts." He holds my hand and I just squeeze it tighter.

"When I saw you at the park, I thought that I am losing you. And it scares me the most and I don't know what to do if that happens." I looked at him and we just looked at each other conveying our innermost feelings through our eyes.

"For the love of God, kiss her already! She's been crying yesterday and no amount of ice cream can make her okay." Ella's voice wakes us up from our staring match and we were surprised that all of them are looking at us and have been listening to our hushed discussion.

"Shut up!" Was the only come back I could think of coz I felt that my face turns crimson for the spotlight that we've been getting?

"Don't be embarrassed cupcake. Although you are cuter when you blush and it just shows that I affected you in some ways."  He pinched my red cheek and I just glared at him playfully. In return, he kissed my forehead which earned a hoot and cheers from the group.

We then continue to eat and converse with one another while I observed them silently. If you will ask me four months back, if I pictured myself with these awesome friends and a boyfriend in tow, the answer is no.

I looked at each and everyone starting from my cousin Ella and Ken which I hoped that escalade romantically in no time, Noah and Doris laughing at what Mickey and Janine are bickering about while Junine laughed out loud at Jess' antics with the trio EJ, Corben, and Beck.

Lena is listening intently to what Ben is saying then she kissed him on the cheek that earned her a dazzling smile, Juno and Alex are copying Marie's way of talking which earned them a glare from her, then I looked at Chase who was also staring at our circle of friend.

Chase at first came squeezing into my life. Who would have thought that in the end my feeling for him are reciprocated even though I have to like him for a longer time? I thought that he's a player or close to a bad boy but he is neither.  Maybe that stereotype exists because the hottest and most popular guy is mostly the player/bad boy in school but I do understand that he just acted out what the society expects him to be but actually he is just a guy. A guy who can also make mistakes coz who wouldn't right? Nobody's perfect.

Our eyes met and he cupped my cheek and draw circles with his thumb.

"Like what you see honeybunch?" He smirked. That's right, his signature smirk that I missed.

"Actually yes. A lot. I love what I am seeing." I put my hand to his hand in my cheek and smiled dazzlingly.

"And I love you too. More than you ever think of." Then he kissed me sweetly right in front of our friends.

"Guys, stop with the PDA! There's a minor here you know." Alex groaned while covering his eyes.

"Dude if I'm correct all of us here are of the right age," Corben interjected.

"My poor eyes. My eyes are still considered a minor. Why? Because I still haven't watched por- Ouch!" Marie pinched him in his arm.

"Serves you right asshole!" Doris laughed at Alex's face then everyone laughed merrily.

Chase kissed me again in the forehead and whispered those sweet words that I love to hear every day and guides my head in his chest. And I happily snuggled from his embrace.

I looked past his shoulder and I saw Ella staring at us happily.

"What's with the nicknames?" She mouthed this question which made me smile widely.

"Beats me." Then I winked.


* * * * *
Sad to say, the story of Abby and Chase is coming to its end. Thank you guys for reading their story and I hope that you also read the story of Rae and Gabe in my other story entitled "Story of You & Me".

Please vote, comment or share. Thank you so much!😘

Lany 🐇

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