Nemo and Abs

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Lilly Collins as Abby ↗


Dear Diary,

Saturday. No classes. On a normal day, I would be waking up later than I used to or lazing out on my bed while reading my favorite book or lurking the net and watching Netflix or YouTube, but today, I was a babysitter. Yup. That's right... Cole's babysitter.

Today, Cole had a field trip to the nearest Oceanarium. Mom or dad can't babysit him because they will be going to my Uncle Marco's (father's younger brother) house because they will be having a housewarming party.

"Okay squirt, you ready? Hurry up or the bus will leave us! " I fumbled with my keys in my hand looking smug.

"Okay... Okay... I'm ready!" He hurriedly walked out the door and run to my car. We drove to his school and from there we rode on a bus that will take us to the oceanarium. We arrived early and took our seat in the middle part of the bus. I sat on the isle part while Cole beside the window. I grab my phone and headphone, I closed my eyes and played Closer by The Chainsmokers ft. Haley. The bus is filling up and soon I felt the bus moved.

I was on my second song which is Secret Love Song by Little Mix when I felt a tug on my sleeve. I opened my eyes and look up to Cole.

"What?" I asked him while stuffing my phone in my bag. He pointed his finger across my seat on the right side of the bus. Brown eyes meet blue-gray eyes again.

"Hi, babe. A pleasure to meet you here." He smirked. "By the way, I love our little chat at the library yesterday." He added and winked.

What the fudge! I rolled my eyes to covered my blush that I know showed in my burning face. I mean, who wouldn't blush if your ultimate crush studies your face like a specimen in a microscope. And those oh so piercing blue-gray eyes that can hypnotize and had the power to weakens my knees. If I am standing maybe my knees would give way and embarrassed me in front of him.

"Knock, knock," I said with a roll of my eyes.

"Who's there?" Cole and the little boy beside Chase said in unison. Chase just smile widely at me.

"Egg." I drawled still looking at him.

"Egg who?" He beamed showing his full white teeth.

"Eggcited to see me?" I smirked without breaking our eye contact. Laughter irrupted on the bus and all I just saw is his cute face smiling happily.

"Sis, who is he? Do you know him?" Cole asked curiously.

"Yeah. My schoolmate." I simply said to avoid his questioning stare.

"Abby! Did you forget me already?" The boy beside Chase looked at me with hurt. I squinted my eyes and fixed my eyeglasses on my nose.

"Bryce?! Oh, it's Einstein Bryce! Sorry pet I didn't notice you earlier." I smiled fully at him feeling sorry.

"It's okay."
"You're friends?" Bryce and Chase said instantly.

"Yes." I and Bryce said in unison. Then we laughed. "How?" Chase and Cole asked us in unison.

"We met at the park. Abby came to me and we talked." Little Einstein said to my relief to avoid explaining.

"Are you and Bryce classmates?" I asked Cole. "Nope..." Popping the 'p'. "He is in the other class but we've become friends and he's cool. He reminded me of you" he added.

"And what pray tell.." I smirked at him while ruffling his hair which I know annoys him so much.

"You know, good in class, loves to read, glasses and everything..." he shrugs and we shared a smile.

"So both our brothers we're classmates huh?" Chase said to me to start a conversation.

"Cool." I just quipped and put on my headset listening to my playlist and closing my eyes. I know that he is still staring at me because I can feel his stare boring at me.

An hour passed and I woke up from sleep. I opened my eyes and a musky-minty scent enveloped me. My head is rested in somebody's chest so it dawned on me that it belongs to a male's body. I inhaled the scent creepily because I loved his smell.

I noticed that my left hand is in somebody's stomach. I traveled my hand up and down to his hard stomach to ensure that I am not imagining the scene in front of me. To confirm it I slipped my hand inside his shirt and traveled it up and down registering the flat hard abs and realization sink in when that someone groaned softly.

My eyes grow wide while realizing that I am cradled by strong arms. I traveled my eyes to his face and greeted by a closed-eyed Chase. I bolted straight and stare at my surroundings. Chase also bolted upright and asked frantically. "What?!"

Another realization sinks in: my hand is still in his fucking abs (which he also noticed) and his left arm is still in my waist (which we both noticed). Immediately I know that my face is as red as a tomato because of embarrassment. As if on cue, we bolted away from each other and sit straight.

"What are you doing in my brother's seat? And why are you cradling me?!" I glared to hid my embarrassment while looking for my brother Cole.

"Babe relax. We just switched seats since you fall asleep and in an uncomfortable position that I volunteered to be your teddy bear/pillow." He smirked and grab my shoulder to his chest. I wiggled and sits straight and mentally smacked myself because I almost gave in to my feelings. Mentally, I'm screaming and doing a happy dance.

"Th-thanks." I stuttered and said it in a small voice to masked my embarrassment. I looked on my phone for something to do to distract me. I mentally screamed because holy shit I get to hugged/cradled by my ultimate crush! I wished that it will happen again and soon.

"It's OK babe. My pleasure." He smiled. I noticed that Cole and Bryce were playing with their tablets and eating lollipops. We didn't say anything after that until we arrived at our destination.

We entered the oceanarium. I walked with Cole in my hand and the Foxx brothers on our heels. I avoided eye contact because I feel embarrassed. What if I accidentally talked in my sleep or worst, drooled? When he is not looking I searched his shirt if I accidentally dropped at him. To my relief, Chase seemed to take my mood and distanced himself a little.

We gushed at what we saw and sometimes took pictures with the fishes, stingrays, and sharks as our background. Cole with other of his friends looks for Nemo and Dori in one of the tanks. We rounded the place for an hour and soon ready to take our leave. Going back home, I see to it that I won't fall asleep and is away from Chase.


* * *🐰

Long chapter but not a fan of this chapter though. Please don't be a silent reader and comment and vote! Thanks! 😘


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