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Dear Diary,

  At first, I thought that my parents will scold me because I came home yesterday at around 5ish but weirdly though, my mom got so excited!

  "OMG! This is the first time you sneaked on us and we didn't even know where you've been and who you've been with. Its the first time you rebel against us! It's a good sign!" She clapped her hands and squeal like a seal.  I honestly rolled my eyes as what my mom said. Seriously! Is my mom okay or do I need to bring her to a psychiatrist?

After the jog, the hospital trip and eating out at Dee's, the group agreed to hang out more at Alex's house. He was summoned by his parents to babysit his sisters because they have a date.

  Alex's house is big. Not so big as Marie coz I called her house a mansion but not so small as mine either. There I met the infamous twins who are a sweetheart. We didn't have a problem babysitting them because all they did was watched Disney marathon in their room.

All we did was eat, talked and laughed as they shared inside jokes and memories from way before they are small up to now.

   I learned that EJ, Corben, and Beck are childhood friends as Chase, Alex, Noah, and Ken are. The rest of the guys became close when they met during middle school tournaments in football. At first, they became rivals and after the former group transferred to the latter's school, they've become inseparable. The girls became close as they get to know each other during hanging out with the group.

  So today is Monday and I somewhat missed my secret hideout especially the garden. I planned to sneak out during lunch so I made a plan. Classes came as a blur and lunch came. Marie, Mikey, Ken, and Junine where in my class so they are walking beside me at the canteen. I told them that they head first to the canteen as I will wash my hands first in the bathroom. Lame excuse but hey it worked out. I silently prayed that the girls will not use the bathroom and luckily they didn't.

  I was so static that I tricked them so I run to the stairs and up to the garden. The lock is close but as I have my key, the problem is solved. Before I opened the gate I looked from left to right and to the stairs if there are students who noticed me or not. When I was sure that no one is around and nobody has seen me, I entered the garden.

  I immediately went to the center of the garden where there is a gazebo. There I sat in the swing and looked at my surroundings. I missed the place very much. It's peaceful and being me, I love the quietness and serenity of the place.

  In my right, you can see my guitar leaning on the side of the gazebo, to my left my art materials (sketchbook, pencils, color pastel, and watercolor) and a few books in the portable table and in the swing where I sat at, a blanket and a throw pillow (when I was cold and sleeping).

  Mr. Roland is not in sight and I wait for him for I know that he will come and visit the place just to check the plants and sometimes eat or sleep here in the gazebo.

Five minutes later he came with his lunch.

"Abby! This place missed you. Where have you been?" I looked at Mr. Roland as he has those welcoming smiles and a twinkle in his eyes. The radiating warmth came from him is what I  felt from my grandfather that's why I'm close to him. My grandparents on both sides are states away so I always missed them.

"Hello, Mr. Roland. Good to see you. I've missed this place too and so are you. How have you've been?" It's true. I've missed him so much. The last time I came here was a week before the guys catch me at the backstage dressing room.

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