The L Word

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Dear Diary,

After I maneuvered my car out of the parking lot, with tears on my face, I drove aimlessly around the area. After a while, I stopped at a park and killed my engine. I think I cried for hours but in reality maybe a couple of hours at the most.

After the wave of emotion subsided, I wiped my face with a hanky and exhaled loudly. What now? I wonder.

The buzzing of my phone indicates that they are trying to reach me and talked to me but I don't want to talk to them just yet. I know that the first thing that they'll do is go to my house and if I went home, my family will question me about my puffy red eyes and my tear-streaked face so I decided to went to my cousin Ella's house.

I grabbed my phone and dismissed the caller and dialed my mom's phone. I cleared my throat and think of a lie.

"Mom, I am going to Ella's home right now. It's Friday and no school tomorrow. Ella is crying earlier and I think she needs me right now. Is it okay if I went?" My voice became hopeful and desperate.

"But honey, it's a two hours drive.." I know what she meant that's why I assured her of something.

"Yeah I know but I can manage. I know how to drive safely and I promise to call you as soon as I arrive. Please, mom, she needs me right now." I was pleading and she must have heard it in my voice so she said yes.

"Okay. Drive safely and call me as soon as you arrive. I'll tell your dad about this so don't worry." I thank her and start my car and drive for two hours.

When I arrived at Ella's house I know that I can let my guard down. I was locking my car when Ella came rushing at me and screamed my name.

"Abby! How's my favorite cousin?" She hugged me tightly and a smile came instinctively in my face.

"Missed you too my dear cousin. It's just four months that we haven't seen each other." I rolled my eyes at her antics and hug her nonetheless.

Four months. Four fucking months and a lot had happened in my life. Its a rollercoaster ride of emotions -meeting new people or friends, falling in love all over again with my long time crush, first kiss, and first heartbreak.

She must have noticed my sudden silence so being the perceptive being that she is, she asked me.

"What happened? Is it Chase? The last time we talked was when you were so static that he kissed you. Oh wait, let us grab some tub of ice cream and lots of tissues." She dragged me inside and we passed my uncle and aunt snuggled together on the couch watching tv. They welcomed me back and asked for my parents. Speaking of parents, I fished my phone in my pocket and dialed my mom's number, ignoring the text and calls from my friends.

"Mom, I'm already here." Ella was rummaging their refrigerator for ice creams while twisting her hips in her so-called dance.

"Thank God you're safe. By the way, Chase came earlier looking for you." I closed my eyes and pinched the bridge of my nose.

"Did you.. um.. tell him where I am?" I asked her softly.

"Yes. Why? Is it supposed to be a secret?" Ella was now face to face with me while clutching two large ice creams and spoons.

"Kind of... Never mind. Mom, I gotta go. Ella is looking at me with her puppy eyes and we are now heading to her room and watch Netflix. Bye, mom." At the same time, Ella shouted near my phone.

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