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Dear Diary,

Before I start to write about my life, I will introduce my self first (anyway this is just the first time I'll write this thing!).

I'm Labyrinth Angelique Mason, Abby for short. 17 years old 5'6 in height, with jet black hair and a senior at New Ville High. I am the daughter of Josh and Anna Mason. I have a younger brother named Cole who is an 8year old brat. I love him though. We grow up in a happy environment thanks to my cool parents.

So much for the introduction , the class starter last Monday and SO MUCH had happened.

I woke up at my usual time because of my body clock (an early person that I am) to found out that my idiot of a brother gawking at my face.
"Boo! ". A muffled shriek came to me because my idiot brother covered my mouth immediately as he guessed my reaction.

"What the ... Cole! " I angrily spat at him earning me a smirk at his cute face.

"What's with you! Why did you wake up early? " I asked him as I smoother my hair and searched for my eyeglasses at the small table beside my bed.

"Mom said to wake you up because you have school. You are saying something in your sleep and you pouted your lips as if you are kissing someone" he explained this through closed eyes and with a comical expression in his face just to annoy me.

"Ha! Plueeaase. You're just making it up. I sleep like a lamb and I don't even drool just like you. " I chuckled heartily while smothering out my bed and going to my drawer to choose my dress for school.

"At least I'm not like Tiana kissing her frog prince. And who is Chase by the way? You've been murmuring that name a couple of times. Is he your boyfriend? But I doubt that coz who would like a duckface like you? " He immediately runs towards the stair down to our kitchen.

I did not make any comment to his joke because I know that it is true in a sense and really! Tiana of The Princess and the Frog? Ugh!

Who is Chase? He who haunts my dreams every night. He who comes and goes in every dream that I have. Sometimes, he is like a prince who swept me away in a white horse thanks to Taylor Swift's song, other times we are on a car where he is driving and I am on the passenger seat thanks to Stephen Speak, sometimes he is like a prince who awoke me in my slumber thanks to Sleeping Beauty and sometimes he is a beast who turns into a prince thanks to Beauty and the Beast! I love listening to music and Disney princess here so what!

Complete name Chase Joseph Foxx. 6'2 in height, well-built (ohh those six-pack is heaven in my dreams), a quarterback, blond, had amazing blue-gray eyes one could drown in them BUT a player! Hmph! Well, imagine if you have these qualities in you do you think that as a boy, girls will not fall at their feet and obey your commands at any time? I guess not. But Chase knows this and like a boy that he is, he enjoyed everyone's attention especially girls.

He has every girl at his disposal and some of them are crying in the sideline, some are eager to be with him wishing that she is the one making out with him! All of the girls love him except me. Well, I do LIKE him but not LOVE him. Who wouldn't but I am not like them who obviously flung themselves to him. Some wearing those skimpy dresses that I call underwear and not appropriate for school. Some wish to have a one-nighter with him. Eww! As if!

I went to my bathroom and take a quick shower and put on my "uniform" consisting of a black tee with the word DON'T at the front, blue jeans, and my black converse shoes. For my jet black hair, I let it flowed freely at my back, no makeup needed. Checking my elastic band at my wrist to tied my hair later, I run downstairs to the kitchen and grab an apple in the fruit stand saying my goodbyes to my parents and my brother.

I rode my beat-up car to school and checked my watch I have twelve minutes to spare before classes start. I walked to my locker to rechecked my schedule. I collected my algebra book for my first subject and as I was about to close my locker a hand enclosed my waist and a voice behind my ear whispered saying "Hello gorgeous! Where have you been? I've been waiting for you in ages. "

Goosebumps crawled my body and I ALMOST curled my toes, as the owner of that voice nibbed my left ear softly. An audible gasped escaped my mouth, a loud gasped from the background (which I noticed) and some cursed words spoken by others (which I didn't catch) are to be heard in the almost full hallway. I step forward and spun around to scold whoever it may be. But boy I am in for the biggest surprise in my life. My eyes grow wide big like a saucer and my mouth agape as I discovered the owner of the hand on my waist and the owner of that bedroom voice earlier.

"Chase! " I audibly said that I thought I am the only one hearing it. I look up at his blue-gray eyes and seen his eyes twinkled with amusement and mischievousness. A slow grin he possessed that showed his dimpled cheeks plastered in his face.

* * *
So that's my first chapter. Hope you like it. Sorry for the short beginning. I know! The next one will be longer promise. Please feel free to comment (if you want me to continue this story)... Thanks!


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