The Bathroom Conversations

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Dear Diary,

    I don't know what to say any more with this day's events. Let me explain it to you diary...

    My first subject in the morning is Math with Marie and Junine in my class. Usually, they sat at their group of friends..the popular. Me, on the other hand, sat at the second to the last row beside the window.

    Imagine my surprise for today's events...

First stop: they sat beside me. I was momentarily shocked that they came to me and asked if they can sit beside me. I, along with some of my classmates were gawking at them. Some wannabe barbie looked at me menacingly while some jocks looked at me curiously, I even saw Joe Martin the school geek (with cliché thick glasses, long-sleeved white blouse with suspender in his pants) splattered his drink upon seeing us together.

Second stop: they walked side by side with me to our lockers where we met the others. They chatted non stop while I just nod or say a word or two if I'm being talked to. And to my amazement (again) Lena and Doris which is in my next subject which is Chem with Ms. Gibbs walked with me to the class. And again, they sat beside me while the class looked at us.

Third stop: 'the group' as what I called them, repeating the same routine which is the ones who is in my class either walked by me to my locker or sat with me in class. And again with the staring with curiosity,  bafflement, hard look and envy?...

    Where is Chase in all this time? At my side or in the sideline. It's either with Alex, Noah, and Ken or in my side. He looked at me with a smirk in his lips and don't forget the sweet nicknames.

Fourth stop: the guys are my instant friends and therefore I gained instant enemies! The wannabe Barbie's and to put the cherry on top, Mandy Evans!

   I thought that after what happened in the gym a few weeks past will she avoid me or somehow avoid confrontation and whatnot but I was so wrong. I thought that being silent after the incident gave me peace from her but I was so wrong. Its as if she was looking for an excuse to backstab me with her 'vengeance' of some sort.

   Lunchtime came and I would like to avoid the group and be on my own for once. I do love their company but sometimes I want to be myself to reflect or to laze around and listen to music.

   But, the group never allowed me to be on my own. They persistently asked me to be with them and have lunch. 'Quality bonding time with the group' as what Marie said. She grabbed my hand and pull me to her side and went to the direction of the canteen. I resigned and went with them but I thought that I can have a few minutes' time with myself that's why I made an excuse.

   "Can I go to my locker first? I have some sandwiches and an apple for lunch inside. Go ahead and I'll be there in a sec." Then I hurriedly run and exhaled a long sigh as I'm feet away from them.

  I went to the nearest bathroom and checked my self in the mirror. No, I'm not conscious of my appearance, I told you in my older post that as long as I'm comfortable with what I wear then I go for it but as these past days events I somewhat feel small or embarrassed with the group.

    Imagine a field full of flowers.. roses, lily, sunflower, tulips.. then as you inspect the field you noticed one small baby's breath... I mean to say is all of the other flowers are big, beautiful and extravagant then the one different from the others(me) is just ordinary! Get what I mean?

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