Meet the Foxxs' (Part 1)

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Dear Diary,

I love him.. a lot! He is too good to be true. I mean, I love him more as I get to know him more.

18 hours earlier...

I had my usual run in the morning to lessen my stress. As usual, my jogging buddy Ken is present as we saw each other on the street. We've been much closer to this day as we met during our run. I noticed that he always dragged me after our run at the coffee shop near the school. Then a realization hit me as he always looked longingly at one of the staff.

She is a beautiful petite girl with blond pixie cut hair, lovely brown eyes, and the most dazzling smile I've ever seen (Ken's words not mine). I do agree that she's all that and judging by her looks I think that she's a good girl and I must say that they are perfect for each other. They compliment each other which is perfect in my book.

I scolded him because what if the girl thinks that we're a couple then his chance could get slim to none. He just said that he just wants my opinion about the girl, and if I think that she's a perfect addition to the group and if the others may like her. I just shrug noncommittally and advised him to just follow his heart. I looked at the girl and I sometimes caught her looking at us which is a good sign for me coz it means that they like each other.

The morning flashed like a blur and its time for me to get ready because Chase will pick me up at 6. The girls texted me good luck and they requested to have a photo of me taken and be sent to them. At first, I was adamant but in the end, I relented.

I was just putting my phone in the clutch bag when the doorbell rung. I heard mom and dad talking to Chase so its time for me to put my big panties on and survive the night.

I walked to our living room and there he sat on the love seat facing my parents and having a light-hearted discussion. Damn, he is hot!  He looks classy yet casual with his navy blue pique shirt, light gray jeans that looked trendy paired with white Nike shoes and a blazer hung at the armrest which I know make his appeal smarter. (Outfits at the top)

Our eyes met then he stands up and walked towards me.

"Hi. Am I too overdressed?" I asked him before he said anything about me checking him out.

"Nah, you're fine. I mean you're too gorgeous that's why I'm speechless." I just shove him with my arm but he grabs me instead and hugged me.

"You're a beautiful girlfriend. Stop worrying with nothing okay?" He looked at me intently then he kissed me on the forehead. If not for his hands I might be on the floor as my knees became weak and turn to jelly.

"You are not badly looking- I mean you're gorgeous too. Not girly gorgeous but manly gorgeous... What I mean is you're handsome and what's-"I was about to ask him about the pet name when a clearing of throat interrupted our sweet moment.

"Is it my time to talk about cleaning my shotgun and all that crap? Or do I need to remind you to look after my daughter? You know the drill son, take care of her." My father failed at intimidation coz he smiled softly looking at us.

"Yes, sir. I promise she will be taken care of." Chase offered his hand for a handshake but my father hugged him and say something to his ear.

"Mom, we have to go. Love you guys." I bid them goodbye and wave to Cole who is munching a cookie in the living room.

The drive to their house is just 5 minutes. I know that they are close to the park where I met Bryce for the first time.

"How is Bryce by the way?" I asked this just to passed the time and for me to avoid overthinking.

"Fine. He asked of you every time your name came in our discussions." He said nonchalantly.

"Wait, you mean you are talking about me not just bypassing but a lot?" I asked with shock in my voice.

"Well, how did they know that I like you? Even Bryce said that you are nice to him and that you are also beautiful. We're here." I just looked at him wide-eyed and then the nervousness that I've been suppressing bubbled up.

"Come on sweetpea. They don't bite. They'll love you for sure." He grasped my hand who was shaking and kissed my knuckles gently.

I exhaled loudly that earned a small laugh from Chase. I muttered short prayer in my head and brace myself for the inevitable.

We entered their semi-bungalow house and I was awed at its exterior. It had a homey ambiance to it. Once we are inside, we are greeted by Bryce and another boy his age who was playing cops with a cute dog trailing at their side.

"Abby! You're here." Bryce ran to me and hug me fiercely.

"Hi, Einstein! How are you?" I messed his hair playfully and hug him back.

"I've missed you. The last time I saw you was when we went to the Oceanarium. I always asked of you when Cole and I hang out." He looked at me pouting and then fixed his glasses which gone askew. His playmate came to us and looked intrigued.

"And who might you be, handsome?" I noticed the boy was somewhat shy and he inched closer to Bryce.

"This is my nephew Tyler. We called him Ty for short. He is the son of our eldest sister Ezra. Ty this is Abby, CJ's girlfriend."  Bryce introduces us to each other. He just nods at me shyly while I smiled at him cheerfully and hug him nonetheless.

Chase chuckled from behind me and utter something like "another Foxx have gotten whipped" which turn my cheeks beat red.

We walked to the living room with intertwined hands while looking at each other's eyes and I stopped short when I noticed that we just entered the room and the conversation had stopped. My eyes go wide and my jaw dropped.

When he said that I'm invited to their family dinner I thought that family means dad, mom, siblings, himself and me. Much to my horror, his meaning of family means dad, mom, siblings, himself, me, and grandma, uncles and aunts, cousins, nieces and nephews even their pet dogs! Ladies and gentlemen, the Foxxs'! be continue

* * * * *

Cliffhanger I know but the chapter got longer that's why I cut it into two. ✌

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Lany  🐇

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