Pre-Date Jitters

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Dear Diary,

      So today is the day. The big day. Date day. I'm nervous as hell right now. I feel like throwing up and liked to pee every few minutes. You know what I feel right? Right.

     When Marie and I had that sleepover on Thursday night, it was a blast! My parents are so over the moon because as they said 'my baby is having her first sleepover!' which my mom acted like having a fangirling moment when Marie arrived.

    I never thought that Marie had that quirky side of her which complement my quirky self so we hit it right away. She's my new best friend and that's official. We made a pact of our own officiating our friendship by buying a friendship anklet online.

    So today, she came early morning and we will choose what to wear. The problem is I don't know where we are going so I don't know what to wear.

  "Call him and ask?" Marie with her mocking voice said to my pouting face while I'm rummaging my closet.

  "I don't have his number," I said casually not bothering to look at her.

  "Are you fucking kidding me?! Then how the hell did you communicate!?" Her voice is rising in disbelief.

  "Language! And he talked to me at school before we walked apart just after school ends." I looked at her sticking my tongue out. Mature I know (note the eye-roll). She just facepalmed and took out her cellphone.

  "CJ, I'm at Abby's right now. Can I know where you will be going so that I can pick out an outfit for her?... Yeah... Okay. Good luck!" I looked at her with bewilderment complete with wide eyes and jaw dropped.

  "Problem solved. So he said to dress casually yet classy but warm. Let's see your closet." She looked excitedly at the dresses one after another and examine it.

  "Um, you'll tell me where we are going right?" I poked at her side while wiggling my eyebrow at her.

  "I promised him that I won't tell you but rest assured that you will like wherever he will take you." She beamed while handing me a cute white top, my black skinny jeans paired with my black leather jacket and for the shoes, she chose the black boots. She chose medium-sized hooped earrings and a simple watch.

  "That's for look #1. It's simple but it rocks and looked badass. Here are the other options.." She winked while again rummaged my closet. She takes out a black dress, pale pink singlet, a lavender dress and lastly plain black T-shirt matched with red skinny jeans paired with the red leather jacket that reaches my ribcage.

   "You know I love the variety in your closet. Although limited, you have nice dresses, jeans, and blouses, t-shirts, and hoodies. I love them coz they are cute." She nodded her head in agreement for each item that she takes out.

  "To tell you the truth, it's all thanks to my cousin Ella. Before I'm contented with a baggy T-shirt and hoodies but after a summer with her, I learned to mellow down on baggy shirts and hoodies. I also learned how to use makeup and do girly things among others." I explained while recalling what we've done during that summer. Then I sighed loudly.

   "I know that you are nervous with this date but trust me, CJ is a nice guy. Although he might be an ass sometimes still he is one of the nicest guys I know. Just be yourself and be just you!" She said seriously that I made a joke to lighten the mood.

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