The Bestfriends

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Sorry guys for the late update, I've been very busy lately and I promise that I'll update very soon. Happy reading...


Dear Diary, 

    So I will continue my story when I woke up in the nurse's office after our PE...

   I am in the state where my body is asleep and my consciousness is awake. You get me right, diary? Anyway, I heard them talking in the background and I can't pinpoint whose talking and to whom.

   "Dude, that was sick!" Said the first voice.  "Are you sure you've been playing sports? You've been knockdown by a girl!" said the second person emphasized the "girl" word with mischief in his voice. "That girl has guts though, I never pictured her to have a mean bone in her," said the third voice.

     Then I immediately know whose voice came next. "Ken, she just caught me off guard that's why she knocked me out. And Noah,  are you serious with your question?! And to you Alex, she had a mean bone in her that she successfully hid to everyone when they are around. Remember the rumors during 9th grade with a girl and her, I guess they are true. Poor girl just got caught in her claws that's why she'd transferred to other schools" he explained while I know he is glaring at them. "Where's the nurse? Why isn't she waking up?" that melodic voice added.

    Cue to my waking up and I sat up straight with a bolt. I regretted my action because sudden dizziness swam in my head.

   "Abby, are you okay?" asked the melodic voice and I tilted my head to the direction of the voice. I looked to my right and there sat Chase in his cot with two beds separates us and three good looking boys with curious faces stands beside him.

   "What happened?" I asked to no one in particular and put my head in my hands. "You passed out during our game when a ball hit your head." I recognized him as the second voice who belongs to Noah. Then bit by bit, the events that happened came into me.

    Before I continue my story,  let me introduce you first to that three good looking guys I've mentioned earlier. They are Ken Andrews,  Noah Peters and Alex Putt who are Chase's best friends and also a member of the soccer team.

   *  Ken Andrews. Tall (6'1), good looking (blond, high pointed nose, easy smile) but a player.

  * Noah Peters. Tall (6'0), also good looking (dirty ash blond, chiseled jaw, and had a brooding smile) he possessed a bad boy aura which girls got crazed on.

  * Alex Putt. Tall same as Chase height, also good looking (brown hair, puppy gray eyes, cute butt?), the joker of the group.

   Diary I just got started, I haven't yet mentioned the other equally good looking guys who are Chase's close friends and also a member of their team.  Seriously,  these guys when putting together in a place with Channing Tatum,  Chris Hemsworth, Marlon Stockinger, Cristiano Ronaldo, and David Beckham will have an equal competition when it comes to good looks and delectable body. Wait? Did I said delectable?! Hehehe...

   Now back to my story...

   My head snapped to Chase and asked him hesitantly "Are you okay?" He just nodded his head and looked at me hard.

  "What?" His piercing gaze made me uncomfortable and made me want to hide my face under the blanket.

  "Is it a concern that I detected in your voice?" With a smirk laced his greek-god face,  and that ladies and gentlemen, the Chase that I knew is back. I just rolled my eye to hide my inner feelings.

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